
Journalism in the Public Interest



MuckReads is an ongoing collection of watchdog reporting from news organizations other than ProPublica. We welcome stories, data interactives, blogposts, and radio and video clips. MuckReads is curated primarily by Blair Hickman and Amanda Zamora. Stories are vetted for the appropriateness of their subject matter. ProPublica does not vouch for the accuracy or fairness of stories selected for MuckReads.

About #MuckReads

  • Why MuckReads? ProPublica has pointed readers to investigative and watchdog reporting by other news organizations since its inception. We do this as a service to readers interested in long-form journalism and stories about abuse of power and betrayal of the public trust.
  • ProPublica does not vouch for the accuracy or fairness of stories appearing on MuckReads. ProPublica journalists review each story before it is placed on our Twitter feed. We try to pick stories that deepen public understanding or contribute to issues we cover. But like other organizations participating in social media, we do not vet independently review or vouch for the accuracy or fairness of stories produced by others. We think readers benefit from seeing a wide range of investigative reporting and welcome feedback on stories we pass on. We will inform readers if we learn that stories have been challenged publicly or corrected.
  • Submitting MuckReads. Readers can submit stories (as well as data interactives, blogposts, and radio and video clips) for MuckReads via Twitter (using the hashtag #muckreads) or email ( Stories should have a clear accountability angle (abuse of power, corruption, etc…), provide analysis, or be explanatory deep-dive pieces. We discourage commentary.
  • MuckReads is overseen primarily by Blair Hickman and Amanda Zamora and is powered by RebelMouse. Please send any suggestions, rants or raves to

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