

| December 5, 2014
"There is no doubt that we are entering a new era where human-wrought changes to the climate system will...

| December 2, 2014
Taxpayers are underwriting the destruction of our rivers' precious natural qualities...
A dramatic time series of photos documenting the 95 percent loss of coral cover from Carysfort Reef, Key Largo, Florida since 1975. The photos capture the loss of a once thriving colony of elkhorn coral, Acropora palmata. Photos credit: Phil Dustan

| December 2, 2014
I shouted with euphoric joy through my regulator, 20 feet underwater. I can only imagine how wide my eyes were. It must have been...

| November 26, 2014
My new film, The Great Invisible, documents the 2010 BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and its...

| November 25, 2014
The situation is so serious people have died waiting for medical attention to arrive from...

| November 25, 2014
"The risk to the Great Lakes is that we go back and start rehashing more than a decade of work that...

| November 17, 2014
Four groups in Kentucky are charging that a major mountaintop removal coal company is falsifying...

| November 17, 2014
"Its been said that the wars of the 21st century may well be fought over water. The Earth's population has more than...

| November 13, 2014
A three-judge panel of the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals threw out a lawsuit brought by Shell that was...

| November 11, 2014
Most people know that hydroelectric dams are not good for the environment. For starters, dams...

| November 11, 2014
A team of scientists have published a groundbreaking set of maps that show the acidity of the Earth's oceans as...

| November 10, 2014
"But humans, they take more than their share. They poison me then they expect me to...

| November 6, 2014
I grabbed two AVANI trawls and headed to Bali to join Expedition Plastik for a 500-mile sail to...