On Campus

A look inside the 960-square-foot, one-bedroom house a team from Rutgers University helped design for the Solar Decathlon in 2011. Rutgers is sending a team to Colorado this year for the  Challenge Home Student Design Competition. Photo credit: Team NJ

| April 24, 2014
Teams will be judged on design and construction packages, project plans and energy-saving strategies...

| April 23, 2014
In an emerging public relations nightmare for Washington University officials, the sit-in against Peabody Energy...
Photo credit: Rachael Collyer

The campaign is part of a nationwide divestment movement that has spread to...
Photo courtesy of Shutterstock

| April 16, 2014
The online tool allows schools to aggregate thousands of food purchasing records and assess their institution’s "real food" score. Student researchers then...

| April 16, 2014
Entering its second week, the inspiring Washington University sit-in against Peabody...

| April 10, 2014
In signing the letter, faculty members expressed disappointment in the April 7 statement from President Drew Faust that...
Florida State University students took to a local newspaper to express concerns that Charles Koch is shaping their education through seven-figure donations. Photo credit: Florida State University

Four students are concerned that Charles Koch is shaping their education through seven-figure donations...
Teens Turning Green works to mentor leaders on each campus, offer resources and support, and create collaborative global networks of change-makers. Photo credit: Teens Turning Green

| April 1, 2014
“The Conscious College Road Tour seeks to demonstrate how simple, fun, and accessible conscious living can be for a college...
Amira Odeh fosters sustainable water consumption at the University of
Puerto Rico’s Rio Piedras campus. Photo courtesy of Brower Youth Awards

| March 19, 2014
People always ask me how I stay optimistic in the face of so much bad news about the environment. Easy: I stop and look around me at all the people...

| March 1, 2014
The resolution establishes an investment filter to remove the largest 200 fossil fuel corporations listed by the...
Photo credit: U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon

| February 13, 2014
About 17,000 students have participated in the event since 2002...

| February 3, 2014
Last week, seventeen of the world’s largest philanthropic foundations announced commitments to pull their money out of fossil fuel companies and reinvest it in...