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Outgoing Arkansas Gov. Beebe To Pardon Son For Marijuana Conviction

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LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — Outgoing Arkansas Gov. Mike Beebe took the first official step Friday toward pardoning his son for a felony marijuana conviction 11 years ago, a move he's defended as no different from the second chance he has given other offenders.

The two-term Democratic governor formally announced his intent to pardon his 34-year-old son Kyle, who was convicted in 2003 of marijuana possession with intent to deliver. The move kicks off a 30-day waiting period to receive public feedback on the pardons before final action is taken. Beebe had first announced plans to pardon his son last month.

"We take input on any and all cases," Beebe spokesman Matt DeCample said. "I think he knows the details of this case quite well, but again on any case he's open to new information that comes up during that period."

The state Parole Board — all of them appointed by Beebe — recommended a pardon for Kyle Beebe in October. Mike Beebe was Arkansas' attorney general when his son was convicted. Kyle Beebe was sentenced to three years' supervised probation, $1,150 in fines and court costs and had his driver's license suspended for six months.

Kyle Beebe applied for the pardon in June, and his application included a letter asking his father for forgiveness, addressing him as "Dear Governor."

Beebe is leaving office in January due to term limits, and is being succeeded by Republican Asa Hutchinson. Beebe has said his son's case was similar to many of the more than 700 pardons he's issued since taking office in 2007, and his announcement said that law enforcement had not objected to his plans to pardon his son.

"I'm not going to treat my son worse than I treat everybody else, and I'm not treating him better," Beebe said on his call-in show on the Arkansas Educational Television Network last month.

Kyle Beebe's pardon was among 12 the governor announced Friday, most of them drug-related convictions. All 12 had completed any jail time, fulfilled any parole and probation requirements and paid all fines. Beebe's office said he denied eight clemency requests and didn't take action on 11 others.

DeCample said it was possible Beebe may announce his intent to grant more pardons before leaving office on Jan. 13.

"As the files come up the governor wants to continue to work through our backlog, even it means the final decision on some are left to the next administration," he said.


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