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Direct Quote: All the World Loves a Clown

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Jen Reel was an Observer intern before joining the staff in July 2010, first as Web Editor, and most recently as Multimedia Editor. She received a Masters in Journalism with a concentration in Photojournalism from the University of Texas at Austin, where she was co-chair for the student chapter of the National Press Photographers Association. She has worked in the non-profit sector for the Peruvian-American Medical Society and has been published in Utne Reader magazine, the Village Voice and Pitchfork Music.

“Clowns help distract. That’s what we do. We make light of a situation. We’re basically fools, but we make fun of things that people can’t make fun of, or if they’re just so engulfed in their own tragedy, their sadness. If somebody can come along and make fun of it, then they can laugh about it and make it lighter and not so dramatic. Life is so dramatic.”  -Read more from our interview with Pam Ramirez, independent theater director and professional clown.