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Activists flooded Sen. Bennet's office phone, his office in Denver, and his office in Washington, DC before, during and after the Keystone XL vote.

| December 3, 2014
Democratic Senator Michael Bennet claims he's not a climate denier, but...

| December 2, 2014
Taxpayers are underwriting the destruction of our rivers' precious natural qualities...

| December 2, 2014
Americans have filed more than 8 million comments in favor of...
A dramatic time series of photos documenting the 95 percent loss of coral cover from Carysfort Reef, Key Largo, Florida since 1975. The photos capture the loss of a once thriving colony of elkhorn coral, Acropora palmata. Photos credit: Phil Dustan

| December 2, 2014
I shouted with euphoric joy through my regulator, 20 feet underwater. I can only imagine how wide my eyes were. It must have been...

| December 1, 2014
As the world gathers in Lima to discuss next year’s climate deadline...

| November 25, 2014
The situation is so serious people have died waiting for medical attention to arrive from...

| November 24, 2014
I am not the only mother whose priorities are thus aligned. I was arrested, side by side, with two other mothers...

| November 24, 2014
And who is next? Does all this mean activists of great heart and artists for social change inevitably...

| November 21, 2014
Breakfast in the Chemung County Jail is served at 5 a.m. This morning it was Cheerios and milk plus two...

| November 21, 2014
Big Pharma really didn’t want you to know that...

| November 20, 2014
Sustainia has researched thousands of innovative sustainability projects and found...

| November 20, 2014
TransCanada failed this week, but another tar sands company, Enbridge, has been...

| November 19, 2014
Dr. David Suzuki calls for “citizen scientists” to help collect...