Stefanie Spear

Stefanie is founder and CEO of EcoWatch. She has been publishing environmental news for more than 24 years.

Stefanie is dedicated to publishing cutting-edge news that educates and motivates readers to become engaged in their community, adopt sustainable practices and support strong environmental policy to protect human health and the environment.

Stefanie is president of Expedite Renewable Energy, a consultancy company that project manages solar and wind projects, and works on energy policy on the local, state and federal level.

Stefanie chairs the Renewable Energy Committee for Sustainable Cleveland 2019 and is on the advisory board for Lake Erie Waterkeeper and GreenCityBlueLake Institute.


| November 13, 2014
Scientists predict that Kiribati—a remote Island Republic in the Central Pacific—could be lost to...

| November 11, 2014
Most people know that hydroelectric dams are not good for the environment. For starters, dams...

| November 10, 2014
"But humans, they take more than their share. They poison me then they expect me to...

| November 10, 2014
"The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you...

| November 10, 2014
It's time to replace your medicine cabinet with your spice rack, according to...

| November 8, 2014
Today is the first anniversary of the tragic and horrific super typhoon Haiyan which hit...

| November 6, 2014
You haven't heard everything you need to know about the midterm elections until you've heard...

| November 6, 2014
Amy Smart and Carter Oosterhouseare, in the debut episode of the Life Less Toxic, visit...

Unlike many other strange diets, the alkaline diet is actually quite healthy. It encourages a...

| November 6, 2014
Watch this ambitious expedition by Dappen and Losin as they make their way up the Rwenzori Mountains to show firsthand...

| November 5, 2014
Check out this map created by 's data editor Simon Rogers that shows how many people tweeted...

| November 5, 2014
If you missed the "mid-portant" episode of the Colbert Report last night, I suggest you...

| November 4, 2014
Watch this provocative film and come face to face with Mother Nature and find out how...