Climate Change

A dramatic time series of photos documenting the 95 percent loss of coral cover from Carysfort Reef, Key Largo, Florida since 1975. The photos capture the loss of a once thriving colony of elkhorn coral, Acropora palmata. Photos credit: Phil Dustan

| December 2, 2014
I shouted with euphoric joy through my regulator, 20 feet underwater. I can only imagine how wide my eyes were. It must have been...

| December 1, 2014
As the world gathers in Lima to discuss next year’s climate deadline...

| December 1, 2014
The pressure is on for leaders to move forward on climate change as delegates descend into Peru for...

To deliver actions that can actually prevent climate chaos, though, we need to go further. We need more countries to...

Geoengineering—which sometimes seems to be the despairing climate scientist’s Plan B—simply won’t work. It won’t...

| November 29, 2014
It has been one year since people started fasting at COP19 in Warsaw—when Philippines negotiator Yeb Saño stopped...

Unless you’ve been living in a hole in the ground or in a galaxy far, far away you won’t have missed media revelations about...

| November 26, 2014
Florida's official state nickname is "The Sunshine State." But the state is doing its best...

| November 26, 2014
"Time after time, when science pointed to health risks, special interests cried the sky was falling...

| November 25, 2014
South Carolina Republican Senator Lindsey Graham has been talking recently about how his party needs a...

| November 25, 2014
TransCanada thought that its proposed Energy East pipeline could escape...

| November 24, 2014
While 62 percent of Americans say that they believe climate change is a factor driving extreme weather 49 percent also...

Folks who don’t accept the science can raise a surprisingly large number of misleading points because...