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Friday, October 31, 2014

Sunday Book Review


Bruce Springsteen: By the Book

The musician and author of the new picture book “Outlaw Pete” likes reading about cosmology: “I find men and women struggling to answer the deepest questions we can ask freeing.”


Killer Company

Reviews of new thrillers, including Tawni O’Dell’s “One of Us,” Sergey Kuznetsov’s “Butterfly Skin” and more.

Science Fiction and Fantasy

Dark Visions

New books by Robert Jackson Bennett, Peyton Marshall and more.

Nordic Noir

Northern Exposure

New mysteries by Karin Fossum, Jens Lapidus and more.

Horror Novels

Be Very Afraid

Reviews of Anne Rice’s “Prince Lestat” and several novels about middle-class domestic anxiety.

Atul Gawande: By the Book

The author, most recently, of “Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End” is a great fan of Dr. Watson: “He is intelligent, observant and faithful, the way we want all doctors to be.”

‘On the Edge’

In Edward St. Aubyn’s novel, a large cast of seekers cross paths at Esalen.

‘Pay Any Price’

James Risen argues that America’s open society has been a casualty of the war on terror.

‘A Brief History of Seven Killings’

Marlon James’s novel examines complicated politics and the growth of gang violence in Jamaica.

‘The Art of the English Murder’

Lucy Worsley examines the creation of British crime fiction and the growing fascination with foul play.

‘Ghosts: A Natural History’

A 500-year history of apparitions, poltergeists, séances and our longing to believe in the paranormal.

‘The Witch: And Other Tales Re-told’

Folk and fairy tales are loosely reimagined and rendered with scrupulous realism.

‘The Poet and the Vampyre’

An 1816 “ghost story” contest had lasting literary consequences.

‘The Immortal Evening’

Keats, Wordsworth and Lamb attend a famous dinner party.

Critic's Take

Art of Darkness

Must the revolutionary artist ignore the basic laws of decency that govern our world in order to transform that world?

Book Review Features

Inside the List

Richard Flanagan’s “The Narrow Road to the Deep North,” No. 10 in hardcover fiction, is the ninth consecutive winner of the Man Booker Prize to make our list.

Editors’ Choice

Recently reviewed books of particular interest.

Paperback Row

Paperback books of particular interest.

Books Update

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Have You Ever Had a Relationship End Because of a Book?

Zoë Heller and Anna Holmes discuss the havoc books can wreak on relationships.

Open Book
Spooky Suggestions

Four reviewers share their memories of reading creepy books.

Letters: Women and Power

Readers respond to a recent special issue, a story by Hilary Mantel and more.

The Shortlist
Transgressive Fiction

New books by Chuck Palahniuk, Merritt Tierce, David Ohle and Fred Venturini.

What’s the Most Terrifying Book You’ve Ever Read?

Francine Prose and Ayana Mathis discuss their scariest reading experiences.

Art and Outrage

New books that circumvent established norms and smash accepted verities to smithereens.

Inside The New York Times Book Review Podcast

This week, James Risen discusses “Pay Any Price”; Alexandra Alter has news from the literary world; Lucy Worsley talks about “The Art of the English Murder”; and Gregory Cowles has best-seller news. Pamela Paul is the host.

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