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Friday, December 5, 2014


Twin Bombings Hit a Cafe in Somalia

The explosions, one by a suicide bomber and the other a car bomb, occurred by a restaurant in Baidoa, south of Mogadishu, that is popular journalists and government officials.

International Court Ends Case Against Kenyan President in Election Unrest

The decision to end the case appeared to represent both a triumph for President Uhuru Kenyatta and a display of the difficulties involved in prosecuting leaders.

Mandela Is Remembered on Anniversary of Death

With speeches and celebrations, the country held a day of remembrance, seeking to rediscover the message of its moral touchstone.

Liberia Bans Election Rallies to Fight Ebola

In issuing the crowd-control order, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf argued that large concentrations of people at election rallies were precisely the situations that could spawn new infections.

Ian Player Is Dead at 87; Helped to Save Rhinos

As a young game warden in South Africa, Mr. Player devised a plan to capture rhinos and ship them to other reserves, parks and game farms throughout Africa, and zoos and safari parks around the world.

Hague Judges Set a Deadline in Case of Kenyan President

Prosecutors must state within a week whether they are ready to proceed to the trial of Uhuru Kenyatta. If they do not, charges will be dropped.

New Concerns Over Response to Ebola Crisis

Doctors Without Borders, which responded early to the outbreak in West Africa, said local doctors, nurses and charity workers were still carrying an inordinate burden.

As Ebola Rages in Sierra Leone, a Lonely Death

While health officials are making headway against the Ebola epidemic in neighboring Liberia, the disease is still rampant here, despite a big international push.

From Opinion
Op-Ed Contributor

Growing Up Fearful in Nigeria

Murderous rampages by Muslims and Christians have swept the north for decades.

Op-Ed Contributor

How Tunisia Will Succeed

Islamism or secularism is a false dichotomy. The real choice is between despotism and freedom.

Lens Blog
Illuminating a Central African Crisis, Photo by Photo

While the world was watching the funeral of Nelson Mandela, Jerome Delay made it his mission to remain in the violence-wracked Central African Republic, hoping to shed light on the crisis there.

Inside Nairobi’s Devastated Westgate Mall

More than a week after militants killed scores of people in the Westgate mall in Nairobi, Kenya, investigators sought clues to the attack. These are among the first pictures to emerge from inside the mall since the investigation began.

Nelson Mandela, South Africa’s Liberator as Prisoner and President, Dies at 95

Mr. Mandela’s quest for freedom in South Africa’s system of white rule took him from the court of tribal royalty to the liberation underground to a prison cell to the presidency.

The Price of Ivory

Articles and multimedia in this series explore how the surge of poaching in Africa both feeds off and fuels instability on the continent.

TIMELINE: Timeline on Mali

Mali has been in turmoil since 2012, as events there and in Algeria raised the possibility of drawing an increasing number of foreign countries into direct involvement. Below, a timeline of the two crises.

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