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Friday, December 5, 2014

Fitness & Nutrition

Andrew Scrivani for The New York Times

Bitter greens combines with creamy goat cheese for an irresistible result.

Personal Health

Prescribing Vegetables, Not Pills

Instead of drugs or admonishments to lose weight, which typically fall on deaf ears, some doctors are providing families with a “prescription” to eat fruits and vegetables.

Phys Ed

Does Exercise Really Make Us Smarter?

A new study asks whether the apparent cognitive benefits from exercise are real or just a placebo effect.

Phys Ed

What’s Your Fitness Age?

While you can’t change your chronological age, you can turn back the clock on your “fitness age.”

Berkeley Officials Outspent but Optimistic in Battle Over Soda Tax

Despite the soda industry’s expensive campaign against a one-cent tax per ounce on sugary soda in Berkeley, Calif., and a similar effort in San Francisco, officials hope to set a precedent for the nation.

A Good Appetite

Grain Bowls: How to Make Your Own

Layers of flavors, textures and colors make a grain bowl a one-dish adventure.


For a 7-Minute Workout, Try Our New App

The New York Times is offering a free mobile app for the popular Scientific 7-Minute Workout and the new Advanced 7-minute Workout.

What Your Activity Tracker Sees and Doesn’t See

High-tech fitness and activity trackers all share one thing: an accelerometer. Here’s how they work — and don’t.

The Well Guide to Activity Trackers

We tested some of the latest and most popular trackers to compare how they work and the various features they offer. Here’s what we found.

From the Magazine

4 Days, 11 Pounds

A new study suggests that minimal calories and maximal exercise can significantly reduce body fat in just four days — and the loss lasts for months.


Why High-Impact Exercise Is Good for Your Bones

For stronger bones, sprint. Jump off a box 15 inches or higher at your gym and jump back up. Hop in place.

The Quest for a Natural Sugar Substitute

Why is it so hard to make a low-cal soda that actually tastes good?


Who Made That Energy Drink?

The Asian imports that gave us Red Bull, Monster and Rockstar.

From Opinion

Can Celiac Disease Affect the Brain?

Some scientists have linked gluten with neurological symptoms.