Dallas Women Deal With Catcalls, Too

You want to walk alone down the street during the day? Better prepare yourself.

The other day, while I was at Kroger buying laundry detergent and frozen waffles, a man came up to me, leaned in close, and said, "Come on now, baby. Let's see a smile on that nice little face of yours." Before I could stop myself, before I could rebuke this man for violating my space, my privacy -- or even just flip him off -- my Texas manners took control, and I cracked a polite grin. Like some mannequin doll or trained circus animal, I unquestioningly obeyed this man and provided him with a plastic smile. He walked away, satisfied.

This week Hollaback!, a nonprofit that wants to end street harassment, issued a video in which one of their staffers took a 10 hour stroll through Manhattan and recorded how many times she was catcalled. She was winked at, verbally harassed and otherwise creepily approached more than 100 times.

Watching the video, it's tempting to dismiss the narrative as unique to New York. Dallas, after all, is an incredibly car-obsessed city. Dallas women are far less likely to walk an extended time down a busy city street than to drive. And as a Southern city, we are filled to the brim with chivalrous braggarts. Still, men in this city are just as guilty of catcalling women. And to that end, Dallas men are just as guilty of making Dallas women feel afraid.

The point of catcalling is not to flatter -- or at least, flatter in a sincere rather than sinister manner. It is, like every other form of sexual predation, to induce fear and intimidation, to prove power. It is an opportunity for men to bare their fangs, clash their horns and otherwise assert their primal masculine authority.

In Dallas, women are far more likely to be catcalled in "drive-bys," as one Observer staffer pointed out -- men rolling down their car windows for a quick whistle or sleezy comment as they drive past. Women walking alone down the street, admittedly a rarer sight here than in New York, are particularly vulnerable.

Reflecting on the video, I think of the myriad of ways I have been catcalled since living in Dallas. On my morning runs, it's not unusual for a drive-by comment or honk. I get the obvious up-and-down looks and winks on my walk to and from work. I am addressed as "sweetie," "darlin'," "baby" and "honey" by strangers. I've gotten muttered comments in Spanish as I walk by, by men who think I can't understand what they're saying (everyone learns the dirty words in any language first).

These are all the relatively tame daily events that happen during the day, not the Friday and Saturday night catcalls.

When I began asking around the office, I found several fellow Observer women with stories to share: "The worst instance I can think of was when I was working in Carrollton. I stopped at this RaceTrac and as I'm opening the door, this guy says to me 'You have really nice tits for a fat chick.' I was too stunned to even cuss him out," said one contributor.

"Just standing in line at grocery stores and CVS, I've randomly been called 'witch' again and again, always by younger men who weren't saying it to be funny. Being called 'bitch,' 'cunt,' 'hag' -- a regular occurrence, whether I'm just walking in a public space around Dallas or even just sitting in a Starbucks having coffee and working on my laptop. Just out of nowhere, men have felt compelled to comment on my appearance in a negative way," said another contributor.

Another staffer described an incident in which his 15-year-old daughter experienced threats in their neighborhood, and daily catcalls. "She's had a couple scary incidents including one where the car followed her for a couple blocks, changing streets when she did. She ignored them, avoiding eye contact, and walked to an intersection. When another car pulled up behind the catcall-mobile so it was pinned in, she turned around and walked quickly away in the opposite direction and then ran to another street. I gave her a pepper-spray keychain after that."

I have been lucky that, save a few truly threatening events, I have never been physically harmed by a man. In the United States, 1 in 5 women are not so lucky. For 20 percent of American women, daily cat calls are not only the implication and threat of sexual assault, they are a reminder of every single previous threat or actual event in their lives. They are a reminder to women that, no matter how confident you may be feeling, how great a day you've had, how successful you are, you are always at the mercy of the men who walk by you on the street.

And there lies the crucial point in Hollaback!'s video: It has people talking, and reflecting on this issue. Women are sharing their stories and men are listening. Because if we don't talk about it, if we women keep rolling our eyes, pretending we didn't hear, only griping to other women -- men in Dallas will continue to cat call, and their sons will learn to cat call. The dialogue this video provokes and the audience it reaches will with time, we hope, break the cycle.


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Emily, your misandry is showing, also your gross ignorance, the Texas sized chip on your narrow New York shoulder, did I mention misandry? Your words, "Like every other form of SEXUAL PREDATION (emphasis added) to induce fear and...yadda yadda. So, in your mind, catcalling is sexual predation. You state in your article that you have never been the victim of a sexual offense, therefore I suggest you talk to a few people who have, and find out if they consider catcalling SEXUAL PREDATION. Furthermore, you stated said SEXUAL PREDATION is intended to induce "fear and intimidation". I have a nice car, occasionally someone will roll his (or her) window down and yell "nice car". Sometimes they even say something creepy like "Hey, make sure you wash my car". Obviously these predators are planning to criminally liberate me from my automobile. Thank God for my C.H.L.

Then, you just plain start lying. "I get the obvious up and down looks...winks" from drivers when you are out jogging. Really? You are jogging, and while doing so, instead of paying attention to the road, traffic, signal lights, that pole you just ran into, you are looking into everyone's car to see if they are looking, or God forbid, winking, at you? I'm surprised you don't end up inadvertently at the bottom of a manhole. I hope my use of the term "manhole" didn't offend you, but, that's all I have, since "womanhole" would probably send you over the edge.If you are truly that worried about what drivers are looking at, even winking at, you may need to seek professional help, or at least check into a Paranoids Anonymous meeting, if they'll tell you where it is.

Then you go on to say how lucky you are that you haven't been victimized by some evil man, and cite a dubious statistic that 1 in 5 women have been victims. Since you consider a look, a wink, a hello, a "catcall" basically, just from reading your article, any contact with a man that you don't initiate a form of SEXUAL PREDATION, I suppose that statistic might be correct. However, if we look at actual sexual predation, I believe you are way off.

Finally, Emily the Victim. "You are always at the mercy of the men who walk by you on the street." Perhaps you live in some third world country where women are regularly snatched and enslaved. Perhaps you mail your articles in from that third world cesspool, because you obviously don't live in the friendly town we call Dallas.

Yes, I'm a man, hate me, it's ok.


Last year, I got catcalled in my own yard by some guys in the alley putting up a new telephone pole.  So I guess that counts as an alley-catcall.


Hear, hear. I'm a man and get catcalled, too. Just this morning one woman said, "That's what I'm talkin' about!" when I walked in front of her. Minutes later another said, "He be wearin' them jeans" as she waved me through security. The vast majority of these come from black women who apparently appreciate a white boy with donk. Not condoning it but it cuts both ways.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

One of the eternal truths about Dallas for years is that we have a nice supply of some of the most beautiful women in the world.  As testament to this, a good friend now working in Paris has told me several times that he'd kill to get back to Dallas, where the best women in the world reside and work.

He's works for a large international oil company, and has been located on a number of large cities.  He's also single.  But, he says he's never seen a city in the world that can compare to Dallas and Texas girls. 

I personally would whistle at women or make audible comments they could hear.  But, there are plenty of admiring connoisseurs of beautiful women who do, and don't mean anything insulting by it.

What the writer experienced in Carrollton is not what I call "cat-calling".  It was a rude, crude, and disparaging comment.  To me, good-natured "cat-calling" is the routine whistle.  Anything beyond that is either flirting or insulting.  

Of course, Texas has a lot of move-ins who came to our state looking for jobs.  So, there's a good chance the rude comments come from a foreigner - either from across the Mexico border, or New York.

That said, there's nothing wrong with admiring an attractive man or woman.  And, I've seen several incidents of women cat-calling men.   But, if you know how to admire without gawking or staring, your apt to be more appreciated than a cat-caller. 



If you're unhappy with the fish you're catching, you should consider changing the bait.


Ya gotta love an article like this on a website littered with ads from The Men's Club and their compadres. (Who knew Baby Dolls was still around ...)

TheRuddSki topcommenter

The flip side is the rules men have among themselves in the work arena for protection.

1. No compliments.

2. Distance. About double what most consider "personal space", about 3 feet or so. In a cubicle farm, do not enter the cubicle.

3. Never be alone together in a conference room or office if possible.

4. Stay out of the women's bathroom.

This is not for all women at the office of course, but when in doubt, assume the worst.

Btw, #4 isn't true, and if you're doing someone at the office, double the distance thing if you acknowledge them at all.

Then talk amongst your trusted male co-workers about who's hotter and why, but at the bar after 2.7 premium lagers or the equivalent.

RTGolden1 topcommenter

Nothing to add, as a startlingly unattractive male, brutally raised with manners, none of this makes sense to me.


"Sexual harassment! What is sexual harassment?! What's the difference between sexual harassment and just being an idiot? I mean, if my father didn't harass my mother, I wouldn't be here! I mean, I understand some sexual harassment.. if a man is your boss and says, "Hey, sleep with me, or you're fired." That's sexual harassment. And that's the only thing that's sexual harassment! Everything else falls under "Just trying to get laid." You can't put a man in jail for that! I don't care how hard he tries, that's all he was trying to do! Anita Hill started this whole thing. It's all about looks, you know? Because if Clarence Thomas looked like Denzel Washington, this would have never happened! She'd be all, "Oh, stop it, Clarence, you nasty! Your fine self!" So, what's sexual harrassment, when an ugly man wants some? "Oh, he ugly! Call the police! Call the authorities!"

Chris Rock


If those were attractive men of higher status than the woman, she'd have no problem with it.

Nothing to see here folks, just the usual female penchant for hypergamy and disdain for lower-status males.

Were I a social justice wanker I'd accuser her of being raciss by posting the video.


Wow.  Now just imagine if she was attractive.


In other news: Life sucks. It's brutal. If you have the time to cry about such trivial things maybe you need to check your privilege!


Emily knows all Dallas men and found them guilty. The lack of precision made a potentially interesting piece utterly ludicrous instead.

Sotiredofitall topcommenter

Unfortunately this behavior is not unique to any locality.  

Once expressed my concern about male behavior to my daughter before she went on a post-graduation trip by herself.  She responded with "I've lived in Austin the last four years" and demonstrated a death stare that could kill an oak tree.


Dallas always has this pathetic ME TOO! desire to be just like NY


Btw, my wife also will tell you that the nastiest "once over" look that she ever got was from a woman. Head to toe, with a savage leer that spoke of evil intent, as I recall it (and I was there.)

Let's cut to the chase, victim. If you are scared, get a gun. If you are merely offended, try speaking up. Wife does both. So does Mother. Neither one has a problem with self-expression or self-esteem, either.


@think_brink Sure, but you're most likely not worried in the back of your mind that one of those women might pin you down behind a bush and have their way. Therein lies the true issue.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@bvckvs2 Excellent response.  And, there are a lot of lakes and streams to fish in.  :)


@uppityfemale Or the fact that most of the revenue came from hooker ads, and the photo galleries are nothing but scantily clad women to exploit for page views by low class garbage culture that probably commit date rape.


@roo_ster Higher status men don't make those kinds of remarks or stalk women walking down the street.


@roo_ster It's so funny how now they are trying to say there were just as many white men doing it, they just didn't make the edit.

The truth of the matter is, this DOESN'T happen just anywhere, and they selectively chose neighborhoods and locations (based on race and class) where they were sure to get a lot of content.


@Threeboys In the locations they selected to film, she's about 3 points higher on a 10 point attractiveness scale than needed for that reaction.  They knew exactly what they were doing...trolling lower class minorities to try to make a broader statement about some supposed patriarchy keeping cunts like them down.

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@BuckBucky Why would Dallas want to be like a bunch of rude obnoxious people?


@CogitoErgoSum @bvckvs2 

I disagree with your characterization of Ms. Mathis as a slut.  Sluts LIKE catcalls; it's where they get their sense of self-worth.


@BuckBucky @uppityfemale 

FYI - if you block OASCentral.dallasobserver.com, all of the sexually explicit ads go away.

In Internet Explorer, go to "Tools->Internet Options->Security->Restricted Sites" and add it to the list you see there.


@Darren @roo_ster Sorry, Dude, but rich white men are predators, too.  Sometimes they're even the worst because they think they deserve to get whatever they want.  

Don't frat boys fall into the higher status male category?  I mean, they're white and they're rich.  They think they're doing women a favor when they "make those kinds of remarks."  

"High status men" are rapists, too.  They just have better lawyers.  


@Darren @roo_ster 

And why is that?

And higher status men tend to be white as well.


@doublecheese @roo_ster Leftist activists can't even follow the dogma of their own propaganda all the way through. They tell us poverty and lack of education cause crime and that minorities are disproportionately poor and uneducated.

But when you extrapolate that out to the fact that minorities will commit more crimes(and other low class behaviors) the leftist will cry racism!

TheRuddSki topcommenter


I have two daughters, I've asked.

They know how to say "fuck off".

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@bvckvs2 @CogitoErgoSum You're leaving out their getting an "STD Clean" report at their annual physical.  Of course, it doesn't happen that much.  :)


@BuckBucky Senor Libtard! You're still changing your name every week and posting racist rants? Good to know some things never change. Has it made you feel any better about your low station in life?


@BuckBucky @doublecheese @roo_ster

Sure hope you stretched before that reach, because that required the limberness of a 14-year-old Eastern European gymnast girl. 

Really, dude, really? Copy and pasting let you down on this one. And I mean copying-and-pasting cliches into your mind, not necessarily this text.


@TheRuddSki But have they ever had to fight off a self-entitled, drunken asshole twice their size? That's what scuzzy comments like these cause women to remember -- men do brutalize women every day.

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@Myrna.Minkoff-Katz nah, I just act that way to you because I thought it made you feel more like home.  Would you like me to be nicer?

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