Duncanville Teacher Who Said "Dumb Duck Ass Crackers" Should "Kill Themselves" Resigns

Vinita Hegwood, the Duncanville High School English teacher whose profane tweet aimed at "dumb duck ass crackers" went viral on conservative social media, has resigned, she announced Thursday afternoon.

Hegwood was suspended without pay in anticipation of her being fired after her Friday night tweet went viral

Here's her full statement regarding the incident:

"I wish to express my regret regarding the controversy over comments that I made on social media on Friday, November 7. I am deeply sorry for the offensive and unprofessional comments that I made on my personal Twitter account. In making those remarks, I was reacting to a series of threatening and racist attacks against me by strangers who disagreed with my expressed opinions on Ferguson, Missouri. I allowed myself to respond emotionally and impulsively. My reaction in no way reflects the standards to which I have held myself and my students for the last twenty years of teaching. I accept full responsibility for my actions, and I regret the embarrassment that it has caused the school district. I believe that it is in the best interests of the district that I resign my position at Duncanville ISD effective immediately."

A specially called school board meeting to formally decide Hegwood's fate has been scheduled for Friday. Duncanville ISD spokesperson Lari Barager says that the 7:30 a.m. meeting will still happen as scheduled.


My Voice Nation Help

Have you not read that the NAACP is going after a white teacher for making the

comment about every white fathers worst nightmare regarding the the girls dating

or going to a dance(prom) with black boys.  I understand his comments were

taken out of context to make it seem like he made a racist remark. The NAACP

wants him fired. He didn't tell or say anyone should kill themselves.From my past

knowledge there have been  many whites lives ruined for accusations of racist remarks. I remember when I read the article which was after reading about this

teacher I remarked the NAACP is going after him  I bet they are not going after her.

TheRuddSki topcommenter

Duncanville ISD is 8.5% white, so the chances of some little white boy being exposed to the woman's apparent bigotry is pretty slim. Now, if she had dissed Latinos, there would be a real problem.


SO now, the Duncanville ISD refused to accept her resignation and just outright FIRED the racist POS. Way to go school board....where is Al Sharpton and the Rev Jesse?  oh, yeah...up in Ferguson waiting for the riots and looting to get restarted.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

This idiot woman should have been fired and prevented from teaching again in Texas.  She obviously has issues, and she's dumber than dirt. 

Of course, with language like hers, she won't go far in the business world unless she works in car repair shop or rendering plant in South Dallas. 

I expect the parents went orbital, and demanded she be fired - or executed.


When we elected President Obama, weren’t we promised “hope and change”?  It seems like his years as president have only torn our nation apart.  

We now have race riots in our streets.  I’ve never seen a country more divided. We all hate each other now.

They say a good economy cures all.  Many of our citizens have had their jobs taken away along with their health insurance.  The middle class is shrinking and its not getting any better.

Obama and Co have destroyed everything they’ve tried “to fix”.  My health insurance is $450/month, my taxes are closing in on 50% (in NYC), and even my subway pass is now over $100/month (in NYC). Stuff that is still private enterprise is super cheap. Car insurance ($25/month from Insurance Panda), cell phone ($22/month from T Mobile), and gym ($15/month from Planet Fitness).

As for the Michael Brown case, even if officer wilson shooting is found to be justified, Some of the fine citizens of Ferguson will still loot and riot. It’s the new normal here in the USA!


The core problem for DISD is that its a segregated school system with only around 5% Anglo enrolment. For years parents who can do better for their children have moved out of the district rather than place them and their futures at risk. The "tweet" in question is a little snapshot into that climate - just a peek that the administration would like very much to cover up.  


Unless Ms. Hegwood demonstrated in some other way that she could no longer do her job, she should have been allowed to keep it. I see worse abuses and abusers of the rules of common decency on this site almost every time I read it, not to mention the garbage that spews across the internet from countless other sources. You folks don't lose your jobs every time you do or say something mean or stupid. We are all mean and intemperate at times. This person kept a teaching job in public schools longer than I could. The lady lost it on a bad night at the keyboard, not in the classroom in front of her students. This dumb, duck ass East Texas cracker can forgive a silly mistake in the interest of fairness and free speech.


@TheRuddSki I think the whole thing is overblown.  So the lady used profanity in a private social media communication.  So what?  She's been a teacher for 19 years and unless some evidence indicates otherwise,it seems like she has no other significant problems to date.  There was a recent gov appointed Medical Board President (no less) who had a verbal shoot out with one of Rick Perry's aides over legislative review of her activities as TMB president, and some months later was allegedly in a verbal altercation with another citizen in a supermarket.  The doctor is still practicing in good standing .  Nobody would have even known about this teacher if someone had not reported it.  Seems like a double standard to me.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@bykydupeku Obama has been an utter failure at everything he does.  He can't even be honest or tell the truth. 

He has made racial relations worse, he's screwed our economy and instituted Socialism, he's rewarded his friends with millions of dollars worth of taxpayer dollars, raised taxes for the ones who pay them, and even screwed the military and Social Security recipients - especially those who paid into the system. 

This woman is typical of the "entitlement" many blacks imagine because we have a half-black male in office.  (That, in itself, is something of a disgrace.)

I'm glad she's gone.


@bykydupeku  I wish I could say that you are exaggerating but I can't.

This link is to the Washington Post article that says the reason is that America is no longer a democracy. It's been transformed into an oligarchy where what the people want is irrelevant:


This did not happen by President Obama alone; Daddy Bush, the Clintons and Baby Bush all did their part. And now we are told that our choices for the next president will be another Bush or another Clinton.

I really don't like to think about the future.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@Catbird Forced integration, as opposed to natural integration, completely changed the complexion of Dallas, Richardson, Plano, Duncanville, Desoto, and even Grand Prairie.  It was one of the most destructive movements to hit Dallas in its history, and not only make white parents angry, but also angered many black parents. 

Once again, the federal government took charge of our lives, and screwed things up.  DISD will never be an exemplary district again in terms of graduations, college acceptance, college completion, and advancement in the professions. 


@PerryMoore just proves that even dumb East Texas crackers can become dumb East Texas Liberals if given enough white privilege and a forum to blather on.

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@PerryMoore hey Perry, thats the exact reason I tell BMarvel I enjoy my anonymity here.  I wont have you asshats running to my company telling on me for having an opinion.  Though I also dont go on racist twitter rants, ever, so that probably helps


@PerryMoore What if she were white saying that about blacks?  It would have been the lead item on every national news outlet.

bmarvel topcommenter

@PerryMoore Still, if I were a white student in any of Ms. Hegwood's classes , I might be worried about how my crackerhood affected my grades. Would we expect a black student to feel comfortable in a classroom taught by, say, an outspoken white racist?

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@ivyhall @TheRuddSki This woman has an obligation to maintain some kind of respectability as a teacher of children, even in her off-duty hours.  And, clearly, she was a bigoted racist who apparently hated white people and had not an ounce of respect for the community or her profession. 

TheRuddSki topcommenter


flip it around. What if a white teacher with years in good standing had tweeted something similar concerning blacks, using equally foul and racially-charged language?

Do you think it would be ignored? I doubt it. Dunno about double standards, but I'm pretty sure most people, including white folk, would not defend her. I sure as hell wouldn't.

I'm not familiar with the incidents you cite, so I can't comment on that.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


If Hillary! is elected and has the same effect on male-female relations as Obama has apparently had on race relations, none of us are gonna ever get lucky again.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@Catbird @bykydupeku  Jeb Bush has a record as a governor and a manager one can examine.  He's so qualified above Obama that it's ridiculous.  In fact, both George W. and GW Bush were excellent presidents, and will increasingly be seen by history as very effective for their times. 

George W. lives a few blocks from my house, and is known in the neighborhood as a regular guy with a good sense of humor, smart, and non-critical of Obama.  Compare that with the imperial half-black president in the White House who blames EVERYTHING on his predecessor, and you see the contrast between a competent and honest manager, and a dishonest, incompetent, and self-centered imperialist who couldn't negotiate a deal with a gun to his head.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Visit any racially diverse high school cafeteria at lunch as I did a few times in Arlington's "best" HS. The first thing you'll note is the lack of any common language - with English being the least-used (Asian, Spanish and Ebonics lead). Secondly, the ubiquitous, very large security guards every thirty feet or so.

And everyone is segregated by race.

Welcome to the melting pot!

bmarvel topcommenter

@Threeboys @PerryMoore ' "It would have been the lead item on every national news outlet."

Alert, Threeboys. It is. On CNN's news site.


@Threeboys @PerryMoore  I see your point, but what difference does that make? In my mind, at least, one overreaction does not call for another.

DonkeyHotay topcommenter

@bmarvel "I might be worried about how my crackerhood affected my grades."

Privileged White People's Problems


@bmarvel @PerryMoore  From other readings, it appears that Ms. Hegwood had no previous complaints of racist behavior, either in the classroom or outside of it. Given the validity of that record, I think she should have kept her job. Most people that we know have prejudices and mean streaks somewhere inside. I don't see enough human damage in this case to warrant the loss of her job.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Oddly enough, for this Florida boy, "Cracker" is a compliment. The only insults that get to me are the physical kind.


@TheRuddSki Hmmm. Given the fact that the "F" word is (sadly) commonly used in our print and visual media these days (not that I feel it is in the best taste), and that it appears more commonly on this site than sub atomic particles appear in a cyclotron ("Phelps" and "Scottsmerkin" appear to love telling others to "F-off" in their less inspired moments, for example), I would not get terribly upset and judgmentally overwrought   at seeing someone use the word in a private communication.

As to the "racially charged" comments, calling a solitary rural white (male) person a dumb a** "cracker" probably is not a novelty to her target. This was a solitary target of her ire,incidentally, not a racial group.  I have personally heard white professionals make insinuating comments about others who annoy them,albeit using more artful and less colorful language, without any backlash whatsoever.  Apparently we have become so (unduly?) sensitive about these matters that the racial angle or in the common vernacular "race card" is used as a method of manipulation to a questionable end result  many times in my opinion rather than a teachable moment about degradation or hurt feelings per se.  I don't defend the language but if someone pops off (once in their life) in a personal tweet (and has no other problems that I know of), I just think ending their career is over the top. I am not a black person either--as you seem to have prematurely surmised.


@TheRuddSki  If a white teacher had used the N word, there would been protests at the school.  JWP would have made an appearance.  Al Sharpton would have flown into town.


@noblefurrtexas @Catbird @bykydupeku  I once thought as you but the witness of history tells a different story. Just one example of Bush treason against the Constitution and the American people is the Patriot Act which for GWB was what the Affordable Care Act was for BHO.

Thanks to President Bush we live in a country that has suspended the legal concept of habeas corpus; a country not of laws but of men and this heinous act of congress will never be repealed.

This is nothing I enjoy saying but George W. is in the club with Clinton and Obama as the primary destroyers of the constitutional republic. That is the witness of history, that is their combined legacy.   

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@TheRuddSki I couldn't agree more.  And, I blame the Al Sharptons, Jesse Jacksons, the NAACP and LaRaza for the worse race relations.  And, Obama has certainly contributed to that failure. 

You cannot FORCE the melting pot with people of different races, cultures, income, and experiences.  You can bring them together, but they will almost always  migrate to groups where they share a great deal in common.

bmarvel topcommenter

@holmantx @bmarvel @PerryMoore You assume I am not a  "conservative," holmantx. That would come as a great surprise to most of my friends. As I have explained many times my views are scattered across the political spectrum, depending upon the issue.  The label is in any case imnacurate, since "conservatives" hold many views that not so long ago were considered "liberal" or even "Progressive."And vice-versa..

Let me again suggest you read Jonathan Haidt's  book The Righteous Mind for a fuller understanding of just what "conservative" and "liberal" might mean in the context of contemporary politics. Then we might have a useful discussion.



@PerryMoore @bmarvel yeah...for the first time in her adult life she learned the ability and need to call people dumb assed crackers, niggas, and use the Fbomb .....goes well with an English teaching job and a college degree from Arkansas.

bmarvel topcommenter

@PerryMoore @bmarvel Had she kept her job, PerryMoore, doyou think some kind of apology to her class would have been appropriate?

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@TheRuddSki You're in God's country !!!!  I'd kill to be in Florida right now.  I made sure I was born in Texas where it's warm....or so I thought.

Very few people have called me a "cracker".  But, I'm very large and in good condition.  But, I agree with you that the physical insults are the worst - and the ones you have to ...er.....answer.  :)

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@ivyhall Fuck off, sorry, hadnt done it in a while

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@ivyhall @TheRuddSki So if I called this black-hearted, black-hued teacher the N-word, I should be excused because I'm otherwise a good person? 

A black or Latino person calling a white person "whitey", or "a cracker", is no different.  It's racist at its core, disrespectful, socially unacceptable, and an insult that isn't necessary to make a point. In other words, deliberately bigoted and insulting.

Now that she needs to find work more in keeping with her attitude and vocabulary, there must be a sanitary landfill somewhere who would hire her for customer relations with the truckers.  

TheRuddSki topcommenter


I don't know why you assumed I thought you were black, my response would have been the same regardless.

If you feel the teacher was manipulated, or victimized in some way, fine. She resigned, so apparently she felt she had crossed a line. I agree with her.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


The fresh faces of dem prez candidates. Ancients Hillary!, the Squaw and Joey "Da Mouf" Biden.

Sure to appeal to the youth.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@Catbird Well, you had a great many Republicans and Democrats who voted on the Patriot Act, and a number of court tests that said it WAS constitutional.

I'm more concerned about the degree to which government spies on Americans who have not been shown to have done nothing wrong.  And, it's gotten worse under Obama. 

It reminds me of the German Gestapo.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Folks are naturally tribal. The lower the income/education class, the more pronounced that tribalism is. It will never change unless we can - as communism attempted to - change basic human nature. How'd all that work out?

holmantx topcommenter

@bmarvel @holmantx @PerryMoore

An attempt at levity spawns the only discussion useful to you.


Try not to turn every point as further evidence you are learned and superior.  That, by its nature, leads in the opposite direction.

The mark of the man of the world is absence of pretension. He does not make a speech; he takes a low business-tone, avoids all brag, is nobody, dresses plainly, promises not at all, performs much, speaks in monosyllables, hugs his fact. He calls his employment by its lowest name, and so takes from evil tongues their sharpest weapon. His conversation clings to the weather and the news, yet he allows himself to be surprised into thought, and the unlocking of his learning and philosophy. Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803–82), U.S. essayist, poet, philosopher. The Conduct of Life, “Culture” (1860).

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Unfortunately, I'm not in the Sunshine State at the moment, I'm about to get snowed in at my daughter's. My new grandaughter provides more sunshine than Florida could.


@TheRuddSki Given the fact that this sad little item was reported "all over conservative websites" as the initial DO article pointed out and was "important" enough to be featured on the evening news, I am wondering if the district didn't give her the "option" of "voluntarily" resigning rather than being terminated with no benefits in order to put the matter away as quickly as possible.  In any event-- she doesn't have a job anymore after 19 years as a teacher.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@TheRuddSki Were I under 25 again, I'd be really upset about the lack of choices of candidates or policies.  Of course, Obama attracted the youths of the country, and then screwed them around -- especially those who were white.

bmarvel topcommenter

@rufuslevin @bmarvel @holmantx @PerryMoore If you don't care about anybody else's views, rufus, then what the hell are you doing here? This is a place where we all argue our views. I notice you have not been shy about airing your own.

bmarvel topcommenter

@holmantx @bmarvel @PerryMoore The blog -- in case you haven't noticed, holman -- is a place of vigorous argument, few here more vigorous than yourself. You seem to be able to dish it out, but when  it comes back to you, you label it pretension and arrogance, and refuse to deal with the actual point under discussion.

Why should I suddenly "know how conservatives feel"? Because I am not a conservative? Prove it. Because you are a conservative and your feelings are wounded? 

I argue out of what I think and what I know,and what I think I know, like everyone else here. I state my views because that's what we all do. Dies it irritate you that I have opinions? Fine, then argue with me.You may be right, I may be wrong. But the simple fact that I have opinions and am willing to argue them does not make me pretentious or arrogant or different from anyone else here.

What the hell do you think is going on here, anyway? 

By the way, you think a quote from Emerson is not pretentious.You think lecturing somebody about their blog manners is not arrogant.

By the way, nobody in all of American literature could be more pretentious, less the "man of the world" that Ralph Waldo Emerson. How much of him have you actually read?


TheRuddSki topcommenter


That USA Today, CNN, yahoo news, LA Times, NBC and other conservative websites may have reported on this story is irrelevant. I imagine she was pressured to resign.

The same would have happened had the races been reversed. It's now officially yesterday's news, no-one cares.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


The Libs blew so much smoke up O's butt, it just fed his narcissism.

I had looked forward to a black pres or VP for a long time, but wouldn't you know it, the left fell in love with the wrong guy. It was almost sickening, with the kid and adult videos of praise for the utter magnificence of just being Obama. No- one seemed to care about his mis-steps, past, accomplishments or anything Germaine to effective politics and management. A freakin' rube.

But the repubs ran the most unpopular available guy they could find, so the blame is shared.

I hope Dr. Carson rises, maybe a VP slot, then after that test, the top slot some day.

His immigration solution is the most logical, sane and good-for-America one I've seen. Obama's is good for Americans - South and Central Americans that is.

That Carson's position is the same position I've held for the past decade or so helps.

His plan is on NRO if you missed it.

DonkeyHotay topcommenter

@noblefurrtexas ... too bad they weren't a bit more selective and careful when choosing your specific sperm / gamete combination, eh?

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@TheRuddSki It's too bad Houston's Barbara Jordan isn't still around.  She would have made a fantastic president, even though I disagreed with most of her stances.  But, she was a principle person who was not at all racist, and certainly not narcissistic. 

Maybe Dr. Be Carson will run.  He'd be great.  I was all for Hermann Cain, but he scared the Obama people to death, so they took him out.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Agree w/Jordan, not so much Cain for reasons I can't really put my finger on. Maybe VP slot first.

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