Craig Watkins' Use of Forfeiture Funds Is Being Audited by the Feds

Sam Merten
Getting hit by the door on his way out.
Maybe Mike Cantrell was right. As first reported by The Dallas Morning News late last night, the Dallas County District Attorney's Office is being investigated for the potential improper use of money seized during criminal investigations.

Cantrell, the lone Republican on the Dallas County Commissioner's Court, fought a solo battle over the summer to have outside council appointed to take a deeper look into Watkins' management of the forfeiture fund, specifically his using it to settle a February 2013 car wreck for which he was at fault.

See also: Commissioner Mike Cantrell Continues Lonely Crusade Against Craig Watkins

According to the News, Watkins' office has not had access to the money since August, when it was deemed as being "non-compliant" by the feds. Now officials are in Dallas in person to take a look at records and equipment bought with forfeiture money.

When I talked to Watkins' office about the wreck in August, his spokeswoman Debbie Denmon was careful to point out that using forfeiture money for vehicles and equipment -- as well as court costs -- was legal under federal law.

See also: Greg Abbott Shoots Down Local Rep's Call for Independent Watkins Investigation

Cantrell didn't buy it and called for the commissioner's court to take action. It didn't -- Cantrell's motion wasn't seconded, so their wasn't even a vote taken. If any improprieties are found by the Justice Department penalties could range from the inability of the office to use forfeiture funds to criminal prosecutions for those involved in the misuse of the funds.

Watkins' office has called the audit routine and told the News it resulted from a minor mix-up. The audit is expected to conclude in February or March. At that point, the results will be just as much Susan Hawk's problem as Watkins'.


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The story made clear the reason for the audit.  A DOJ manager called the DA to ask a few questions  His responses were worse than William Macy's talking to GM rep in Fargo.  That conversation triggered the audit.  The DOJ did not conclude he was a criminal, just incompetent. 

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

The law and practices are simple.  If Watkins was driving a county car on county business, then the county pays for damages.  If both of those things aren't present, then the driver pays for the accident IF it was deemed his fault. 

It appears Watkins thinks taxpayers should pay for his carelessness.  Apparently the feds think not. 

We know who will win.


Come on, it's not as if he appropriated a Bentley from a defendant.


Next year "Watkins indicted"

"An indictment is routine and does not mean anything"-mavdog

2017 "Watkins sentenced to 15 years"


observist topcommenter

This is an outrage!  Forfeiture money is intended to fund office parties and buy military equipment for the police to play soldier!

mavdog topcommenter

An audit should be done every year.

it is a standard business practice and is good policy.

as for those who mistakenly think an audit equates to someone being guilty of wrongdoing, they clearly don't have a clue of what an audit is.


"Nothing to see here"- mavdog

holmantx topcommenter

Not cool; there's only one reason why the Feebs would look into use of funds by the DA.

to ascertain criminality.

Oh well.  Proof again that the only thing public officials fear in this town are the Feds.

Maybe the Davenports should go for a civil rights violation.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@buckbucky Maybe Watkins can be indicted at the same time Price is prosecuted by the feds. It's a two-fer for Republicans and Dallas County citizens.

mavdog topcommenter


that is amazing, you have a crystal ball that can see the future!

tell us, does it say when you will ultimately get a brain?

mavdog topcommenter


regrettfully and ironically, you're right. who would have guessed the payment of monies to the accident victim would be approved as an allowed use?

the entire law for the funds needs to be looked at. first, the way the money is parceled out seems to encourage abuse by the attorney's office; second, the allowed uses are way too broad and should be reduced to specific law enforcement only; third, we need to look at if the objective of the law is even being met.

mavdog topcommenter


"Watkins is a black man in a position of power, he must be corrupt and guilty of something"- buckbucky


@holmantx  hey kkkotex, where is your little 2nd bigot in command noblefurweareforjesus?   Why didn't he come to the meetings last week.    Do you know what relgion he is?   We have a Christian award for him and he is going to love it.  If you see him at the book store or church this weekend tell him that attoney that spoke with him a few weeks ago is trying to reach him.



It says the Justice Department is auditing...doesn't sound like it's an FBI case...yet.  The Justice Department likely oversees the federal forfeiture funds.  Not a bad idea, but I think you're getting a little ahead of yourself.  (not to be construed as any disagreement with your comment.)

holmantx topcommenter


You are right.   Justice can refer civil suits and criminal referrals. 

But this ain't a normal audit.  They're looking for trouble.


The material needs polishing, but +1 for the nickname.

holmantx topcommenter


I thought it was a bit too native american but yeah.  

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