Anchia Survey Finds That Everybody Hates the Damn Trinity Toll Road

Rafael Anchia
And the survey says...
The results are in from state Representative Rafael Anchia's survey of Dallas residents' feelings about the Trinity toll road. They are exactly what you'd expect.

Of 1,014 respondents who reported Dallas ZIP codes, only 42 said they supported the toll road, and 955 were against the toll road and. Somewhat inexplicably, 17 people cared enough to log in and take the survey but said they needed more information about a project that's been in the works for more than 15 years.

Anchia, as he told us he would last week, has also announced a town hall meeting to discuss the toll road. Michael Morris, transportation director of the North Central Texas Council of Governments and the toll road's most important backer, will sit on a panel with City Council member Scott Griggs, a long-time opponent of the road. The meeting is scheduled for December 3 at Rosemont Elementary, right in Griggs' Oak Cliff backyard.

"In talking with constituents about the Trinity Tollroad Project, I was hearing a constant message of dissatisfaction with the proposed road. I conducted a survey to gauge the climate in and around Dallas, and the respondents were startlingly opposed to the project," Anchia said in a statement.

No advance registration is required for the meeting but sending questions ahead of time to is encouraged.


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It's really scary how many many people are acting like this "survey" has any relevance at all. Regardless of one's feelings on the proposed toll road, there is nothing more meaningless and useless (except as propaganda) than a self-selected survey, especially one like this where it is so easy to stuff the ballot box. 

Does no one remember the Industrial Boulevard/Caesar Chavez fiasco?

It's unfortunate that not one reporter, columnist or blogger has the gumption to call up Anchia and ask if (a) he's so stupid that he believes this poll has any meaning, or (b) if he knows better and he's merely pandering to people that stupid.

There is no option (c).

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

maybe those 17 people recently moved to the area, and seriously cared about learning more before deciding?!?!


This means it's time for a committee.


These results reflect the earlier Facebook survey sponsored by the mayor when he claimed he sought input on whether to support the concept. There was a landslide against it. He supported it anyway.

I'm going with "there is always a sample of people who can't make up their fucking mind." These are the same people who are "undecided" the eve before a presidential vote.

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