Stomach-Turning Details Emerge in Hurst Child Pornography Case

Categories: Crime

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Hurst Police Department
Randy Wesson
Randy Wesson, the 28-year-old man arrested by Hurst Police on child pornography charges, has admitted some of the details of his alleged crimes, police say.

After his arrest, Wesson told detectives they could find about 42,000 images of child pornography on his computer, electronic storage and phone. He also admitted to sexually assaulting more than 100 children and identified a dozen of them by name, according to police records.

Ricardo Lugo, the 17-year-old Wesson helped enroll as a Hurst Hills Elementary School sixth-grader, was used to find and recruit potential victims at the school, police say.

Wesson and Lugo met in December 2013 or January 2014 on Instagram, police say. Wesson says that in late February or early March, he drove to El Paso, watched Lugo -- who had told him that he was unhappy with his life in Juarez, Mexico -- walk across the border and picked him up. Wesson says that he and Lugo have had a sexual relationship ever since. Lugo's mother, who lives in El Paso, told Texas Rangers that her son has been missing for more than six months.

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Hurst Police Department
Ricardo Lugo
When Wesson and Lugo returned together to North Texas, Wesson told friends and family that Lugo was his long lost son, Matthew Wesson. He then used an Ohio birth certificate that police now suspect is a forgery to enroll Lugo at Hurst Hills.

Wesson's father has confirmed that Wesson told him that Lugo was Randy Wesson's 12-year-old son and that he saw Randy looking at child pornography on a home computer.

Police began investigating Wesson and Lugo, they say, after an image of child pornography was uploaded to an Instagram account that was later linked to Wesson. Additionally, a search of Lugo's cell phone found images of him spanking a child also seen in other images found on the duo's electronics and explicit text messages between Lugo and Wesson.

Because of the extreme nature of the charges against him, Wesson is now in federal custody. Lugo remains in Hurst City Jail awaiting a transfer that is expected early next week.


My Voice Nation Help

before I saw the paycheck saying $4586 , I didnt believe brother was like they say actualy erning money part-time from their computer. . there moms best frend had bean doing this 4 less than six months and recently repaid the dept on there mini mansion and got a brand new Buick . i was reading this w­w­w.T­ra­de­S­i­lo.Co­m


You left out a point @buckbucky . Both of these extremist, child molesting pedophiles are homosexuals.  But being a homosexual is ok, because ABC News says it is. Now go turn on your tv Sheeple.


This is a really interesting story and I bet there will be a book, documentary, and feature at some point in the future.

And by interesting, I mean weird as fuck.   I just read an article about a 32 year old woman who went from one high school to the next all over the country and being taken in by Christian families who believed her bullshit. 


I pray that Mr. Wesson is as delusional as he is deviant.

TheRuddSki topcommenter

One hundred children.

That's up to one hundred fathers this cockroach has to worry about the rest of his life. If he's truly lucky, he'll die in prison, quickly.

Sweet dreams, Bottom-Boy!


"He is a victim and deserves amnesty!"-mavdog


Just another dreamer looking for a better life and doing the job Americans don't want to do.

mavdog topcommenter


I see that you are still waiting for that brain you've been hoping to get.



That was the fastest ascension into the Fuckface Hall of Fame that I have ever seen. Tell Bill Cosby "hi" for us. 

mavdog topcommenter


Just another dreamer looking for a better life and doing the job Americans don't want to do.

both of these child molesters are American citizens.

spoils you whole narrative doesn't it? seems you are not that outraged about child molestation, it's just your opportunity to spew about how outraged you are on immigration.

what an idiot you are.


@buckbucky Wesson is a white male.  You, on the other hand, are a prick. I count you in the same class with him.


Try to follow along(it helps if you actually read the article).


@buckbucky I'm sorry...did the article address how much of a prick you are?  I missed that.


If a child rapist sympathizer like you thinks I am a prick then I am doing something right.



In case I haven't been clear, the entire point of my post is to call you a prick.  Someone had to, and I stepped up.  Good day sir.


Oh you are right. 17 is not old enough to know you shouldn't pretend to be 12 and lure children to be raped. Yes. He's an innocent child.


I guess when you were 17 you didn't know raping children was wrong. Scumbag.


@buckbucky Yes, because all 17 year old kids had the exact same upbringing, opportunities and shelter from pedophiles as this kid did. You're just flat clueless.

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