Dwaine Caraway Trolls Kroger for Not Giving Him Turkeys for His Annual Turkey Giveaway

Categories: Local Hero

As if we needed further proof of Dwaine Caraway's ability to entertain, the City Council member has responded to Kroger's refusal to participate in his annual holiday turkey giveaway by not-so-gently ribbing the grocery giant.

"I was really shocked and disheartened at the actions of Kroger," Caraway said in a statement. "Kroger has been the lead opponent against the plastic bag initiative. It's shocking to learn that Kroger would take this stance. Its disheartening to know that Kroger's community initiatives are ceased because of a battle at City Hall. Kroger is not pulling out on Dwaine Caraway with this move. Kroger is pulling out on the Southern Dallas community. Wal-mart, 7-Eleven and businesses have stepped up and this year we have even more turkeys than before."

Kroger is one of the primary opponents of the ban on plastic bags Caraway shepherded through the council earlier this year. Gary Huddleston, the chain's southwest division spokesman, confirmed to The Dallas Morning News that Kroger would not be participating in Caraway's giveaway, but says that doesn't mean it's stopping working in the community.

"In terms of donating to individuals who need help, Kroger definitely wants to do that," he said. "We feel like we're doing a good job with the North Texas Food Bank, and it's unfortunate that Councilman Caraway had to issue this release to malign Kroger. I don't understand his motives, other than some sort of ... whatever."

Caraway said he has more turkeys than ever for his giveaway in Saturday -- more than 1,500. His plan for packaging them is the final shiv in Kroger's back.

"Everyone will receive their turkey in a Wal-mart reuseable bag that they will have to continue using when the new Dallas ordinance goes into effect on January 1 eliminating plastic bags in our city," he said.


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ThePosterFormerlyKnownasPaul topcommenter

Just another example of 14-1 bringing you all of the downside of ward politics with none of the benefits.


Just more JWP-like extortion from a South Dallas thug.

Racist Kroger!!!


If he has more turkeys than ever, why complain?

Also, I'm certain Kroger as a corporation has done more to help the needy than a self serving city councilman.


After listening to a city council meeting last week about a qualified firm that got won a bid for a project got berated, demeaned and made to look the fool by an entire group of fools who are suppose to be for ALL the people, I came to the conclusion that the real racism in Dallas is coming from the black leaders and lack leadership skills.

To this people, they think their agenda is to help all blacks in every aspect of life while totally ignoring (and trashing) the white companies that have abided by the previous rules they set forth about quotas.   I don't know the number of whites verus blacks on the council, but it is clear the whites are pussy whipped down to the ground.  It is the Mayor's job to reign them in. 

LA is far more diverse than Dallas are the council has (at times) had more blacks, however they understand that their job is to make the city better for everybody and to get that accomplished they need the best people and talent.  


Really Unfair Park? God, the DO is a rag. This has to do with helping the needy. So what if a politicians that serves the community does this. I mean this is about setting aside those differences and doing the right thing


I Reminds me of that scene in " American Gangster " When Ellsworth " Bumpy " Johnson, Frank Lucas' gangster boss, hands out turkeys to his fellow Harlemites.


Kroger's really amateurish in its public relations, which is odd because they pay a lot for consultants. Dwaine just punked them because they were petty.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

Setting aside the fact that Caraway is said to be a closet gay married for appearance to a prominent female politician, and ignoring the rumors that his vote often depends on "contributions", his anger at Kroger is no doubt that companies strenuous objection to Caraway's bag$ $uppre$$ion, I am surprised he would publicly disparage Kroger - a company that has done far more for the black community than he has. 

Kroger has always been one of my favorite stores, turning Caraway down on free turkeys instead of supporting the Food Bank is the right community relations move - not to mention quite an intelligent resource application. 


Congratulations to Kroger.  I'll be looking forward to continuing my shopping there in Richardson as of January 1, when I cease purchasing in Dallas.


I think I'll go out of my way to shop at Kroger tonight.

TheRuddSki topcommenter

1500 bags of fresh, juicy salmonella.


Kroger is building a nice new store in our neighborhood. We will be able to select the type of bag we want to use and nobody is going to try to strong arm them into donating turkeys to some council member's charity. If Dallas wants to compete with the surrounding communities that are growing at a record pace then its elected officials need to clean up their acts. Don't hold your breath. 


Kroger rightly concluded Caraway is full up on turkey.


The North Texas Food Bank has assisted thousands more than any turkey giveaway for many years and they will tell you Kroger is a valued partner.

holmantx topcommenter

Maybe we should put a referendum on the next ballot.

The Council shall be restricted to deliberation of non-core city functions to only one week out of the calendar year, unless otherwise directed by the Mayor.  That 7-day week will commence on the 24th of each January and will take place on the first floor of the Records Building of the Dallas County Courthouse.

This is the location where property owners jam in to drop off their property tax payment before interest and penalties kick in on the 1st of February.  It's a madhouse, on several levels.

Either that or City Managers switch roles with the City Council.

Council publicly hammers out the city budget in great detail in the Horseshoe and Staff haggles over condoms and plastic bags behind closed doors.


This is not trolling. This is an elected official abusing his position. Indict him like Rick Perry.

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

So, the Kroger people get back at Caraway by refusing to help the hungry poor with turkey giveaways.  Lotsa class, Kroger. 


Another failed shakedown. Dwaine be losin' his touch.


And people wonder why businesses don't want to invest in South Dallas. 

everlastingphelps topcommenter

Kroger decided to stop providing stuff for Caraway to kickback to his district, so he impugns their reputation.

I believe this is called extortion and racketeering.  

holmantx topcommenter


"It is the Mayor's job to reign them in. " 

The City Manager performs this task far more effectively.

He's in charge of the goodie bag.

Nobody cares what the Mayor's got to say.  He doesn't have power over the budget and the fed monies.  He's only a ribbon cutter.

In fact, he too can be found in line at the City Manager's door.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@JackJett You hit the nail on the head!  I think one reason for so many blacks on the school Board and City Council has to do with pioneers like Al Lipscomb who gained street creds appearing before the Council with Civil Rights experience. 

Many black people believe the only reason the 1964 Civil Rights Bill passed was because of the aggressive and angry demonstrations.  (Many didn't know about the 1957 Civil Rights Act passed by Eisenhower, but over severe criticism by Lyndon Johnson, then the Senate Majority Leader. 

I think a lot of blacks who have been on the Council believed they had to aggressive in order to keep being elected, pretending to be mad much of the time, and resorting to misbehavior and obnoxious disregard for the rules. 

I still believe many of the elected blacks in Dallas believe their only job is to improve the lot of other blacks and the poor.  (The there are those in federal jobs who are more interested in improving their own welfare.)

Eventually, we'll get beyond all of this.  But, it won't be until after Obama, Holder, and several of their ilk are out of office - permanently.  


You mean, "...unless directed by Amarillo Cab..."


@Myrna.Minkoff-Katz I think you must not have read the entire article or you only read this line:

"Its disheartening to know that Kroger's community initiatives are ceased because of a battle at City Hall."

Because Kroger clearly has not ceased its community initiatives. I fail to see how Kroger's actions are less classy that Caraway's crass hissy fit.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


He states there are plenty of turkeys, more than ever. And Kroger is quite generous with food banks and the poor, they just choose not to go through a politician.


They just redirected the turkeys towards the North Texas Food Bank. No change net-net.


@everlastingphelps Exactly. Charities run into this all the time. The classy thing to do would be to approach Tom Thumb, HEB, etc. and not shame a business publicly like that. Way to burn a bridge for the next few years Dwayne!

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