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Jeff Larson

Jeff Larson

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Jeff Larson is the Data Editor at ProPublica. He is a winner of the Livingston Award for the 2011 series Redistricting: How Powerful Interests are Drawing You Out of a Vote. Jeff's public key.


Somebody’s Already Using Verizon’s ID to Track Users

Twitter is using a newly discovered hidden code that the telecom carriers are adding to every page you visit – and it's very hard to opt out.

NSA Documents Suggest a Close Working Relationship Between NSA, U.S. Companies

Documents describe "contractual relationships" between NSA and U.S. companies, as well as undercover operatives at some U.S. companies.

Leaked Docs Show Spyware Used to Snoop on U.S. Computers

Software created by the controversial U.K. based Gamma Group International was used to spy on computers that appear to be located in the United States.

Announcing Raster Support for Simple Tiles

To support the work we're doing for a project launching this year that relies on satellite imagery, we've added raster-data support to the newest version of Simple Tiles.

The NSA Revelations All in One Chart

We plotted the NSA programs, showing which ones fall squarely into the agency’s stated mission of foreign surveillance, and which ones are more controversial.

School Segregation After Brown

Hundreds of school districts were placed under court order to desegregate following the Supreme Court’s 1954 Brown v. Board of Education ruling. Many communities do not know the status of these orders. Use this tool to find out whether your district is or ever was under a desegregation order, and al

FAQ About NSA’s Interest in Angry Birds and Other ‘Leaky Apps’

We lay out more from our story about how the NSA and its British counterpart have been scouring smartphone apps.

Spy Agencies Probe Angry Birds and Other Apps for Personal Data

New documents show the NSA and its British counterpart have access to advertiser data on smartphone apps, which can include your gender, income, and even whether you're a "swinger."

How We Made the 3-D New York City Flood Map

We used features only available in the most modern web browsers to create the interactive map of the city's flood zones.

How We Calculated Injury Rates for Temp and Non-Temp Workers

Worker’s comp data collected from five states shows temps are far more likely to be injured on the job.

Temporary Work, Lasting Harm

Temp workers are thrown into dangerous work with little training and suffer injuries far more often than permanent employees.

NIST to Review Standards After Cryptographers Cry Foul Over NSA Meddling

The federal institute that sets national standards for data encryption has announced it is reviewing all of its previous recommendations.

Government Standards Agency “Strongly” Suggests Dropping its Own Encryption Standard

The decision follows revelations about the NSA’s covert influence on computer security standards.

Johns Hopkins and the Case of the Missing NSA Blog Post

The university, which works closely with the NSA, apologizes to a professor after he was asked to remove his post.

Revealed: The NSA’s Secret Campaign to Crack, Undermine Internet Security

Newly revealed documents show that the NSA has circumvented or cracked much of the encryption that automatically secures the emails, Web searches, Internet chats and phone calls of Americans and others around the world.

NSA: Responding to this FOIA Would Help “Our Adversaries.”

Here’s what I got when I asked the NSA if they’re collecting my metadata.

New Maps and a New Plan for New York

FEMA's released new, preliminary flood insurance maps for New York City, which specify how likely areas are to flood. The new maps, which replace maps that used data from 1983, double the number of structures in flood zones.

How We Analyzed Medicare’s Drug Data

ProPublica obtained Medicare Part D data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) under the Freedom of Information Act. Here follows more information about the data and how we analyzed it.

Prescriber Checkup

Medicare’s popular prescription-drug program now serves more than 35 million people, but the names of prescribers and the drugs they choose have never previously been public. Use this tool to find and compare doctors and other top prescribers in 2010.

An Exchange About California’s Redistricting Process

An exchange between ProPublica and the California Redistricting Commission.
Jeff Larson

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