
Water Disputes

Fort Worth Weekly
Tarrant Regional Water District Executive Director Jim Oliver took umbrage a few days back upon hearing that board member Mary Kelleher had spoken to a group of journalists and others at the University of Texas at Arlington on ...


Listener Hears Correctly

A loyal reader called Static last week to complain about a commercial he heard on radio station WBAP/820 AM. A station announcer had prefaced a news report by saying that it was sponsored by the Tarrant Regional Water District....


Trusting Gunslingers

The “Mayor of the North Side,” Steve Murrin, might be the face of the Stockyards, but he doesn’t hold as much influence as he once did. The longtime Stockyards property owner and former Fort Worth City Council member star...


Curing Gayness

Want an e-mail box filled with hate letters and calls at all hours of the night? Then suggest to the GOP that their platform should include reparative therapy, a technique of counseling people to no longer identify themselves a...


Fifty Shades Of Fightin’

Looks like Fort Worth Weekly has stirred up another hornet’s nest, but isn’t that why you love this frisky little rag? The Weekly profiled two Arlington women who said they were done out of their share of the Fifty Shades o...

Flowback water flows fiercely at a gas rig near Everman.

The Emperor Has No Water

It was almost 10 years ago that Static’s colleague Jeff Prince wrote one of the first stories published in these parts about the toll that gas drilling was taking on freshwater supplies in North Texas. A few years later, Stat...


Not So Crazy

Mark Cuban is a lightning rod who isn’t afraid to give his opinion on anything from the state of journalism to politics. But he’s not just a lunatic in a tinfoil hat collecting stray cats (no offense to our in-house cat lov...


Your School Tax Dollars at Work

Fort Worth Weekly
Ann Sutherland has become the Rodney Dangerfield of the Fort Worth school board: She don’t get no respect. Last year she was censured and had a tough time getting her issues on the board’s agenda. Her crusade against pay ra...


The Whole Ball of (Melting) Wax

Static’s boss asked for a little research help: Is this the earliest that watering restrictions have ever been instituted in Fort Worth? Well, um, yes, boss. Since watering restrictions in Fort Worth actually have been in for...

Mary Kelleher defends herself against accusations that prompted fellow water district board members to censure her.

Water Mess

The typically quiet board meetings at the Tarrant Regional Water District took a loud and rowdy turn on Tuesday morning. A standing-room-only crowd, including some carrying protest signs, heckled board members throughout the tw...