The Dallas Observer Needs a Web Editor

Categories: Media

Nicholas McWhirter via Meat Fight
The last guy got tonged by Ron Swanson. Just sayin.
Because ours is going back to the UK. Which is sad. He is smart and funny and is easily confused by America, and he makes Chartbeat blush. Remember when we sent him to the NRA convention? Or the time he watched the World Cup -- that was that one soccer thing you pretended to understand -- with a citizen of every participating country? Good times.

Anyway, we need a new him. Get in the queue, as he would say. Here's the job posting:

The Dallas Observer has an opening for a full-time web editor. This position combines journalism with social-media skills and analytical data management to increase the audience for the Observer and improve its desktop and mobile applications. The web editor assigns and edits photo slideshows and videos, manages a weekly budget, collaborates with section editors and works alongside the Observer's editor-in-chief in the planning and execution of all online coverage.

Outside the site, the web editor manages the paper's social-media accounts, including Facebook and Twitter, with the expectation of continued engagement and growth. The job requires creative story ideas, strong news judgment, and a skilled hand when it comes to story placement and presentation. The web editor must have a firm grasp on SEO and be able to write compelling headlines that get shared on social media and attract eyeballs via search results.

The web editor should keep the staff apprised of the latest changes in the digital world, whether that means new ways to share content via social media or new tools to use. The web editor keeps the paper at the forefront of digital storytelling.

The web editor also is expected to promote the paper's content via strategic partnerships with other websites, social-media accounts, and public-relations outlets. Video production and editing skills are preferred but not required -- attracting talented people and partnering with them is.

Finally, the web editor is expected to hit traffic goals across the site's main verticals of music, dining, arts, news, and film. A strong interest in and working knowledge of stories covered by the Observer is essential.

Requirements: Two years experience working for the online arm of a news outlet.

Please send the following to

- Brief cover letter

- Resume + three references

- Links to any social media profiles

- Any links to relevant content (writing samples, social media campaigns, slideshows, videos, etc.)


My Voice Nation Help

I was hoping Gavin would cover the Cowboys full time. I loved his analysis of "handegg."


California native Tim Rogers would be a great fit. But will he leave his surrogate father, Wick?


Dallas weather and Stars hockey coverage will never be as awesome.

ozonelarryb topcommenter

Gavin. We will look fed to your missives from across the pond.

Thanx for your contributions


Can't do it guys; I'm getting several boils and other meddlesome growths  removed from my @ss. 

ps-You will be missed G.

Montemalone topcommenter

Who will cover the weather? 


Maybe Delkus' Sleeves has sent in his resume.

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