Results for #BlackLivesMatter

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  1. Photos · View all
  2. We have a recording that proves Fusion Centers are intercepting mobile calls.

  3. Today we celebrate the freedom fighters in Selma. That was 50 years ago. What will they say about us 50 years from now?

  4. RT : We stand together. We walk together. We work together.

  5. When will black folks have to stop fighting to be recognized as equals in a country our backs help build

  6. People stanning for J-Law in Hunger Games but there's real life Katniss Everdeens on these streets fighting the good fight

  7. Walked into protest on the way home. thousands here, they've just blocked Mass Ave bridge into Boston.

  8. Cops kill 130 blacks a year. Blacks murder 7,000 other blacks a year. If , which problem do you need to focus on?

  9. still trending. Powerful. Even when it's not trending, let's continue to believe that our lives matter.

  10. This very moment in NYC, Chicago,Cleveland? One of the most beautiful things I’ll witness in my lifetime.

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