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Texas Republicans Join Grassroots Efforts in Louisiana Senate Runoff

AUSTIN, Texas -- The elections in Texas may be over, but the work is not for many Texas Republicans, who are now in Louisiana helping Representative Bill Cassidy, the Republican who is challenging Democrat Senator Mary Landrieu in a runoff election. The November 4 elections returned control over the Senate to the Republicans and increased the Republican majority in the Senate, and the Landrieu-Cassidy race is the nation's final remaining undecided Senate seat. 5 Dec 2014

Florida Joins Texas-Led Lawsuit Against Obama's Executive Amnesty

AUSTIN, Texas -- Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi announced on Friday that Florida would be joining the lawsuit filed by Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott against the Obama administration for the President's executive immigration actions to grant amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants. 5 Dec 2014

Rolling Stone Apologizes for University of Virginia Gang Rape Story

The managing editor of Rolling Stone, Will Dana, issued a statement on Friday apologizing to readers and all but admitting that a story in the November issue was false. The story in question, "A Rape on Campus," described a horrific gang rape that a student they identified as "Jackie" claimed happened to her at a fraternity party on the University of Virginia campus. 5 Dec 2014

Op-Ed: Straus: I’ve never said I’m Pro-Life

During a happenstance meeting outside an early polling site on the first day of voting in the 2012 Primary, I said to Texas Speaker of the House Joe Straus, “I was surprised to see you get that pro-life endorsement when you’ve never even said you’re pro-life”Straus replied with a smirk, “You’re right, I’ve never said that.” 5 Dec 2014

Texas Teacher Survey Has Ties to Education Progressives

Last Spring, Breitbart Texas reported on a new teacher climate survey pushed through the 83rd legislative session called "Teaching, Empowering, Leading and Learning" or TELL Texas. In August, Texas Education Agency (TEA) statistics revealed that only about 20 percent of teachers, principals, assistant principals, school counselors, psychologists and social workers participated. On November 24, the TEA released another round of results for superintendents. Participation was dismally low, too. 5 Dec 2014

An Upbeat Perry Reflects on His 'Great Ride' in Texas Politics

AUSTIN, Texas -- Outgoing Texas Governor Rick Perry invited several Austin area political reporters to the Capitol for coffee and a chance to reminisce about his time in office. Wrapping up his fourteenth year in office, Perry is the state's longest serving governor, having moved up from the Lieutenant Governor's chair when then-Governor George W. Bush resigned in December 2000 to become President. 4 Dec 2014

Source: Texas to Pull National Guard from Border Earlier Than Announced

The wind-down of the Texas National Guard deployment along the Texas-Mexico border region is set to begin in mid-December, according to a National Guardsman who has previously provided reliable information to Breitbart Texas. This appears to conflict with the Texas Legislative Budget Board (LBB) announcement earlier this week that passed funding reportedly designed to carry the National Guard deployment through to a phase-out period set for the spring of 2015. 4 Dec 2014

After Lawsuit from Conservative Group, Texas House Changes Media Pass Rules

AUSTIN, Texas -- On Thursday, the Texas House Administration Committee adopted new rules for press credentialing at the Capitol that many are interpreting as a reaction to scrutiny from alternative and online conservative media. Under the new rules, credentialed members of the media will still have access to the floor during the legislative session, but will not be eligible for that credential unless they first affirm that they will not be engaged in lobbying. 4 Dec 2014

UT's Missing Brains Mystery Solved

The University of Texas' mystery of 100 missing brains has been solved. School officials claim that the brains were not stolen as previously thought -- rather, they were destroyed over a decade about because they were in poor condition. 4 Dec 2014

CDC Report Cites New ‘Low’ In Number of Abortions

A new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that 18 percent of all pregnancies in the United States end in abortion, a finding CDC describes as a new “low.” The agency encourages the use of more effective contraceptives to further decrease the number of abortions. 4 Dec 2014

Book Ban Battle Continues in Texas School District

In September, the Highland Park Independent School District (ISD) in the Dallas metro area pulled seven books off its approved high school English literature shelves, then put six back on, and has been bickering over one in particular ever since -- Garth Stein's The Art of Racing in the Rain. 4 Dec 2014

Texas Sues Obama Over Executive Amnesty

AUSTIN, Texas -- On Wednesday, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott announced that Texas would lead a seventeen state coalition in a lawsuit challenging President Barack Obama's immigration executive action, under which he announced in November that he would grant amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants. The lawsuit will mark the thirty-first time that Abbott has sued the Obama administration. 3 Dec 2014

Op-Ed: Corporate Welfare Fails Taxpayers and Small Businesses

In recent years, the public’s awareness of crony capitalism, whereby government picks winners and losers, has increased tremendously. This is a good thing for advocates of free markets, because no market can be free where politicians use the power and largesse of government to benefit the well-connected. 3 Dec 2014

Texas Same-Sex Couples Petition Federal Judge to Remove Stay And Allow Gay Marriage ASAP

On Monday, the same-sex couples at the center of the gay marriage legal challenge in Texas, petitioned US District Judge Orlando Garcia at the Federal Courthouse in San Antonio to allow gay marriage to begin taking place in Texas immediately. This occurred despite the US Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals tentatively put Texas' same-sex marriage case on the calendar for the week of January 5, 2015, Texas Lawyer reported. 3 Dec 2014

100 Human Brains Stolen from UT

About 100 human brains have mysteriously disappeared from the University of Texas (UT) at Austin campus. One of the missing brains belonged to Charles Whitman, the man who killed 16 people on the UT campus in 1966. 3 Dec 2014

Texas Pearl Harbor Survivors Traveling to DC for Special Ceremony

AUSTIN, Texas -- Seven Pearl Harbor survivors from Texas will travel to Washington, D.C. this week for a special ceremony at the World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C., commemorating their service during the December 7, 1941 attack on the United States Naval Base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. 3 Dec 2014

BREAKING: Court Stays Execution of Mentally Ill Texas Man on Death Row

AUSTIN, Texas -- More than twenty nationally prominent conservative leaders have sent an open letter to Texas Governor Rick Perry calling on him to halt the execution of Scott Panetti, a convicted murderer with over three decades of documented severe mental illness issues. Several of the signatories to the letter spoke exclusively to Breitbart Texas to share why they believe that it would be "immoral" for Perry to fail to stop the execution, even for those who do not oppose the death penalty. 3 Dec 2014


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