Ross Perot Jr., Ross Perot Sr. named as ULI's inaugural Vision Award for North Texas

Dec 4, 2014, 2:40pm CST Updated: Dec 4, 2014, 2:43pm CST

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Jake Dean

The North Texas tycoon will be forever linked with AllianceTexas, his successful signature creation.

Staff Writer- Dallas Business Journal
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Hillwood chairman Ross Perot Jr. and his father, the original Ross Perot, were named as co-winners of the inaugural Vision Award from the Urban Land Institute North Texas District Council at the W Hotel Wednesday evening.

The award will be presented to the Perot father-and-son duo at the ULI North Texas Impact Awards ceremony, which is scheduled for March 19.

ULI North Texas Chair Michael Jackson of Wynne-Jackson said the Perots were selected based on their combined vision in business, philanthropy and real estate.

The industry organization instituted the Vision Award to honor those in real estate development that have made a positive lifetime contribution in the North Texas region.

Ross Perot Sr. is known for developing the Electronic Data Systems (EDS) campus on a former golf course on Forest Lane in Dallas. It was incredibly successful and led to the Legacy Business Park development in Plano.

Ross Perot Jr. is the chairman for one of the largest real estate development firms in the United States and is known for developing Alliance Airport, which was the nation's first dedicated industrial airport in 1988.

The family's charitable contributions also were considered by ULI, which includes the development of the Perot Museum of Nature and Science in downtown Dallas. Right now, the Perot family is in the midst of buildin its new family headquarters off Turtle Creek Boulevard, which will bring the family businesses under one roof.

Candace covers commercial and residential real estate and sports business.


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