Mmm, healthy.

Grading on the Curve

TransCanada, the Canadian builder and owner of some of the worst pipelines in both Canada and this country, including the Keystone pipeline network that would transport tar sands bitumen, has been lauded for its “leadership�...

Gulla: Range Resource’s practices “made a lot of people terribly ill ... .”

Sow, Reap

Chesapeake and Range Resources are fighting legal challenges in other states.
Chesapeake Energy and Range Resources, two major gas drillers that pretty much packed up and left Tarrant County once the Barnett Shale’s best days were gone, are in hot water in other parts of the country. Chesapeake faces c...


Down to the Wire

The Wendy Davis-Gregg Abbott race hasn’t been pretty, but this is Texas.
Winning the Republican primary in the Texas governor’s race these days is almost like being handed the keys to the mansion. Texas hasn’t elected a Democrat to the top office since 1991. Since then, Republican governors Geor...



A local gun rights group says it carries loaded semi-automatic rifles in public to show it’s ludicrous. Others agree with the ludicrous part.
In a Home Depot parking lot near AT&T Stadium in Arlington, a small group of people, mostly in their mid- to late 20s, stand by pickup trucks filled with flags. It’s a Saturday afternoon in late September, and they’re g...

A UMNS photo by Paul Jeffrey.

How Many Times?

Just a few weeks ago, Static was lamenting that Corrections Corporation of America, the largest private prison outfit in the U.S., probably would get the contract to run a new 2,400-bed family immigration detention center to be...


Ebola’s Grim Math

Here are two good things about the Ebola virus. It is unlikely to mutate into a version that can spread through the air, as some other viruses have done. And people who have been infected by Ebola cannot pass it on to others du...

Charles Carroll (left), with R.J. Logan, holds his notice to vacate, to which he has added his own comments. Brian Hutson

Get Out

In Riverside, a “gateway to downtown” is being opened by poor-people removal.
Susan Bethke, a seven-year resident of the Scenic Bluff area, chose her house northeast of downtown for its location near her son’s school and their church. From the get-go, she knew the area — consisting mainly of small, m...


A New Mouthpiece

Joe Palazzolo is burning through attorneys the way Elizabeth Taylor went through husbands. In March, the former assistant principal at Arlington Heights High was awarded more than $2 million in his wrongful termination suit aga...


Idolizing Ted

The Willis-Burton race for the Texas Senate has deep implications for Fort Worth.
There is an old axiom that says all politics are local. Well, that may have been true years ago, but the political landscape has changed dramatically with the birth of the Tea Party. Take the District 10 race for the Texas Sena...

Friese: “Most of the people I know who were homeless treated those bus passes as gold.”

No Pass/No Job

Advocates for the homeless are upset over a proposal to end free bus passes.
On weekday mornings Lou Friese takes an hour-long bus ride to work from his West Fort Worth apartment near Las Vegas Trail. Before he found a job at First Street Methodist Mission in June, Friese had been homeless for more thre...