Umbra Fisk

Ask Umbra®

Advice for Living Green

Yours is to wonder why, hers is to answer (or try). Send your green-living questions to Umbra.

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Umbra Fisk is Grist Research Associate II, Hardcover and Periodicals Unit, floors 2B-4B.

Flockin' around the Christmas tree

Will fake snow on my Christmas tree land me on the naughty list?

A reader asks about faux snow. Umbra says only the sheep should be flocking.

Business & Technology

Why aren’t we all driving hydrogen fuel cell cars?

A reader wonders when hydrogen-powered vehicles will rule the road. Umbra takes a look under the hood.


Shopping tips for the eco-minded dresser

A reader wonders where to look for the greenest threads. Umbra stitches together a plan.


Should I feel guilty about eating coal-fired pizza?

A reader worries about emissions from a coal-fired pizza oven. Umbra slices in.


After you pop the pill, what to do with the trash?

A reader says her contraceptive is over-packaged. Umbra says you should see the packaging that kids come with these days.


Should we feed needy families junk food?

A reader wonders what to do with the low-nutrition food that's being donated for feeding the hungry. Umbra says put it in the bank.


Can a vegan ever truly love a carnivore?

A reader wonders whether two hearts can meat. Umbra says vegan start by accepting each other for who we are.


Are compostable diapers the most eco-friendly?

A reader wonders how best to swaddle the little poo machine. Umbra says it's a wrap.


Hey! Did somebody frack my favorite beer?

A reader worries about fracking water tainting beer. Umbra hops to it.

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