About EPA

About the Office of Public Engagement and Environmental Education (OPEEE)

What We Do

OPEEE leads and coordinates EPA programs to provide national leadership in promoting environmental literacy, in accordance with the National Environmental Education Act of 1990 (NEEA).  In addition, OPEEE establishes and maintains close working relationships with a broad range of public- and private-sector organizations.

Programs and Projects Managed by OPEEE

Mail code: 1702A (Office of Public Engagement) / 1704A (Office of Environmental Education) | EPA mailing addresses
Location:  EPA Headquarters at Washington, D.C. Federal Triangle campus

OPEEE Organization

Brian Bond, Associate Administrator

  • Phone: 202-564-1785

Micah Ragland, Deputy Associate Administrator

  • Phone: 202-564-1785

The Office of Public Engagement and Environmental Education includes:

  • Office of Environmental Education
    Sarah Sowell, Acting Deputy Director
  • Office of Public Engagement
    Micah Ragland, Director