Daily GPI / Infrastructure

Two Transco Projects Expand Service to Eastern Points

Williams' Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Co. LLC (Transco) recently began service on two expansions along the eastern seaboard: the Northeast Connector Project and partially on the Virginia Southside Expansion Project.

Northeast Connector entered service Monday (Dec. 1) providing 65,000 Dth/d of firm transportation service to The Brooklyn Union Gas Co. (National Grid New York). Northeast Connector allows National Grid to shift 547,000 Dth/d from an existing delivery point on Long Island, NY, to a new delivery point on the Rockaway Peninsula (see Daily GPI, May 12).

On the same date, Transco began partial service of 250,000 Dth/d on its Virginia Southside Expansion. Transco has historically transported about one-quarter of the gas consumed in Virginia and nearly all of the gas consumed in North Carolina. Virginia Southside expands existing facilities in southern Virginia, allowing the pipeline to increase deliveries by 270,000 Dth/d. The project is primarily designed to fuel Dominion Virginia Power's new 1,300 MW power plant in Brunswick County, VA.

Virginia Southside consists of about 100 miles of new 24-inch diameter pipeline extending from the Transco mainline in Pittsylvania County, VA, and into Halifax, Charlotte, Mecklenburg, and terminating in Brunswick County. The project modifies Transco's existing mainline to allow for natural gas to flow south rather than north, to provide gas transportation capability from Transco's pooling point in Mercer County, NJ (see Daily GPI, Nov. 22, 2013).

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