Tuscaloosa Marine Shale

Latest Goodrich TMS Well Weaker Than Last

Goodrich Petroleum Corp.'s latest Tuscaloosa Marine Shale (TMS) well results, announced Wednesday, were a bit of a disappointment after a string of successes in the emerging play. Read More

Halcon's First Operated TMS Well 'In Line' With Others in the Play

The oil-rich Tuscaloosa Marine Shale (TMS) of Louisiana and Mississippi is evolving into a world-class play, according to Halcon Resources Corp. CEO Floyd Wilson. On Monday the company turned in the numbers for its first operated TMS well, which are in line with those of peers in the play. Read More

Latest Goodrich TMS Well Continues Winning Streak

Goodrich Petroleum Corp. has turned in additional encouraging well results from the Tuscaloosa Marine Shale (TMS). Analysts following the TMS progress of Goodrich and others said Monday they are encouraged but still more needs to be learned. Read More

Encana’s New Focus, Well Designs Generate 56% Jump in Liquids Volumes

Encana Corp. made the move from natural gas-heavy to liquids-rich generator in the first quarter as new well designs and a sharper focus highlighted... Read More

Halcon Reports Progress in TMS, Improved Drilling in Williston

Halcon Resources Corp. reported forward progress in the Tuscaloosa Marine Shale (TMS) during the first quarter, while making drilling improvements in the Williston Basin and derisking its holdings in a portion of the Eagle Ford Shale in East Texas. Read More

No Such Thing as TMI From the TMS

Too much information (TMI) from the Tuscaloosa Marine Shale (TMS)? Not a chance. Activity in the Louisiana-Mississippi play continues to gather pace, and analysts can't wait to hear more about well results from producers there, Goodrich Petroleum Corp., for instance, which these days is pretty much all about the TMS. Read More

Encana Strikes Deal for Eagle Ford Leasehold, Doubles Oil Output

Encana Corp. on Wednesday doubled its current oil production in one swift move by agreeing to pay $3.1 billion for a slice of the Eagle Ford Shale in South Texas... Read More

Sanchez Drilling Quicker, Cheaper in Eagle Ford; TMS Well Coming Up

Accelerated completions and more pad drilling helped Houston-based Sanchez Energy Corp. triple first quarter production from a year ago... Read More

Quarterlies Encouraging, But Biggest E&Ps Still to Report

The largest oilfield services (OFS) providers have detailed their views for U.S. exploration and production (E&P) spending this year -- all good -- but it's going to take a few more weeks to determine whether producers will move more forces into natural gas fields to increase stores. Read More

Goodrich Gathering Pace in the TMS, Shares Soar

Goodrich Petroleum Corp. is gaining momentum in the Tuscaloosa Marine Shale (TMS) of Louisiana and Mississippi. TMS well results released Monday... Read More