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OpenSecrets Blog

Cash on the Table

December 5, 2014 The 2014 election might have been the most expensive midterm ever, and it might have seen some of the most extravagant spending on wall-to-wall advertising ever — but when Election Day had come and gone, there was a surprising amount of money still sitting on the table. The Service Employees International Union PAC reported yesterday… Continue Reading »

Another Obama Nomination in Trouble — Thanks to Dems

December 3, 2014 President Obama is once again facing pushback on an executive branch nomination, but this time it’s coming from his own party. Obama’s nomination of Lazard‘s Antonio Weiss to become the next under secretary for domestic finance at Treasury has raised the ire of the likes of Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.). Weiss is currently the head… Continue Reading »

Battle in the Bayou: Gusher of Oil Money for Landrieu, Though Cassidy Leads in Recent Fundraising

December 3, 2014 This article was cross-posted at TIME.com. The defeat of the Keystone XL pipeline bill in the Senate last month may have been viewed as a blow to Sen. Mary Landrieu‘s re-election bid, but her battle to get the bill passed was warmly received by members of the oil and gas industry, including Keystone’s parent company.… Continue Reading »

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