Montney Shale

Encana Onshore Liquids Output Jumps by 82%

A strategy shift by natural gas heavyweight Encana Corp. helped the independent to increase its onshore liquids output in the final period of 2013... Read More

ConocoPhillips’ Shift to Pure-Play E&P Leads in Stronger Margins, Output

ConocoPhillips' decision to sell its refinery arm and become a pure-play exploration and production (E&P) company proved its mettle in 2013, with higher output, stronger margins and solid cash flow, particularly in North America. Read More

British Columbia’s Shale Gas Resources Rising

Natural gas supplies are on the rise in British Columbia (BC) even though drilling, slowed by weak prices, has barely scratched the surface of the province’s northern shale deposits. Read More

NGTL: More Drilling Will Lower Northwest Canada’s Shale Gas Prices

The cost of northwestern Canadian shale gas will drop to competitive levels as drilling intensifies from scattered field trials into concentrated commercial development, says the pipeline grid for British Columbia and Alberta. Read More

TransCanada Moves Quickly to Grab Montney Shale Pipeline Action

TransCanada Corp. is acting swiftly to grab the pipeline action in the next western drilling hot spot... Read More

Montney Has Huge Potential That's Expected to Grow

A vast 449 Tcf of natural gas, 14.9 billion bbl of natural gas liquids (NGL) and 1.1 billion bbl of oil await production in just the best known, most accessible western Canadian shale deposit, according to a federal and provincial report on the Montney geological formation. Read More

Encana's Top Five Money Makers Getting Bulk of Budget

Encana Corp., in stress mode since natural gas prices collapsed in 2009, will spend 75% of 2014 capital on only five North American onshore plays, all oily and liquids-rich, a strategy that within four years is designed to create a more evenly balanced operator. Read More

Pembina Expanding Midstream Complex in West Central Alberta

 Calgary midstreamer Pembina Pipeline Corp. is launching plans to build and operate another shallow cut natural gas plant and associated pipeline infrastructure near its Cutbank Complex in west central Alberta. Read More