Business Airline Industry

American Airlines asks to extend deferral on pensions

Michael Ainsworth/Staff Photographer
American is the world’s largest airline after its merger this year with US Airways.

WASHINGTON — American Airlines, fat with record-setting profits but also confronting new demands from its pilot union, is asking members of Congress for a holiday bonus.

The airline, the world’s largest after its merger this year with US Airways, is shopping proposed language for an amendment to a 2006 law that would reduce its near-term obligations to its pension funds.

American spokesman John McDonald declined to comment about the proposed language or to indicate which lawmakers the company has approached. The company did confirm, however, it is seeking the changes outlined in a draft amendment being passed around Capitol Hill.

Those changes would amend the Pension Protection Act of 2006. Congress included special terms for the then-struggling airline industry to help prevent airlines from defaulting on billions of dollars in pension obligations.

Those pensions are guaranteed by the taxpayer-funded Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp., and lawmakers were eager to avoid a default.

But five years out from 9/11, many airlines were still struggling. Delta, for instance, had filed bankruptcy in 2005 and profits were down throughout the industry. Delta and some of its competitors had already frozen pension benefits for their workers.

The law allowed those companies to defer some of the annual contributions they were required to make to the pension funds for up to 17 years. It meant that the companies could in the meantime use billions of dollars in cash to pay their bills, rather than sock the funds away for future retirees.

Americans’ obligations under the law were different. Five years ahead of its own bankruptcy in 2011, it was doing better than many of its competitors. And it had not yet frozen its workers’ pension benefits.

As a result, it was allowed to defer some of its contributions to its pensions as well as enjoy an added benefit. The law allowed American’s accountants to assume a faster rate of growth for assets in its pension funds, a move that meant it was required to set aside even less cash each year to be in good standing with its pension obligations.

In return, though, American was required to make good on the underpayments within 10 years, rather than 17 years.

The company said in a 2013 filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission that the favorable terms for funding its pensions will be missed when they expire.

“Our pension funding obligations are significant,” American said in a 10-K filing last year. “Currently, our minimum funding obligation for our pension plans is subject to temporary favorable rules that are scheduled to expire at the end of 2017. Upon the expiration of those rules, our funding obligations are likely to increase materially.”

Now the airline is seeking to amend the deal it struck in 2006 to extend that deadline by an additional seven years. That would put it even with its competitors — with one caveat. It wants Congress to make the change while allowing it to still use the more aggressive rate-of-growth assumptions that have helped reduce what it must contribute to the funds each year.

Victoria Day, a spokeswoman for Airlines for America, the industry trade association, said her group had no position on the proposal. “This is an American Airlines matter,” she said.

Delta spokesman Trebor Banstetter also said his company also had no comment.

“We’re aware of the proposal but don’t have any comment on it at this time,” he said.

Congress returns from its Thanksgiving break this week. The time to deal with large stand-alone bills will be hard to find, but members will likely attach many smaller bills as riders to budget measures or other must-pass bills.

American had proposed defaulting on its pensions while it was initially negotiating with creditors during its recent bankruptcy. It instead opted to freeze pension benefits tied to three of its four pensions.

But with its profits soaring in the wake of its merger, the company has begun steadily re-investing in the pension funds. Over the summer, it announced that by the end of this year, it will have contributed more than $1 billion to the funds over the past years.

Staff writer Terry Maxon contributed to this report.

Follow Michael A. Lindenberger on Twitter at @lindenberg.

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