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Join Sen Ted Cruz & Dan Patrick. Block Walk to Keep Texas Red!

Aug 29, 2014

Click here and register to see Sen Ted Cruz, Senator and future Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick. 

One of the most exciting things about running for office is the opportunity to spend time with conservatives who are fighting for the values we all share.

Because we can’t afford to lose and because there is still work to be done, join me, Senator Ted Cruz, Senator and future Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, Senator Brian Birdwell and Konni Burton (candidate for Texas Senate Dist 10), September 6th for a Super Saturday block walk in District 94. We will be working hard to identify new Republican supporters and spread the conservative message in Tarrant County!

Join us at 9 am for breakfast and instructions. The address is 2405 Gravel Drive, Fort Worth, Texas 76118. We will have scripts and walk lists ready to go when you get arrive.

For more information, or to RSVP, contact Ann-Marie Craig at 817-372-7761 or at

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