NeedWant acquires tech startup named for Iron Man character: TechFlashes

Dec 5, 2014, 10:04am CST

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Photo Credit: Zade Rosenthal

Robert Downey Jr. stars as billionaire industrialist Tony Stark, also known as Iron Man, in the Paramount Pictures and Marvel Entertainment movie "Iron Man," as seen in this production photo taken May 14, 2007. The movie opens in theaters across the U.S. on May 2, 2008. Photographer: Zade Rosenthal/Paramount Pictures via Bloomberg News

Reporter- St. Louis Business Journal
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NeedWant held a flash sale from Thanksgiving through Cyber Monday and reported sales of $20,789 across 811 orders for products hat include, Emoji masks, Mod Notebooks and Peel, the company's thin iPhone case.

NeedWant has also acquired Jarvis, an online personal assistant named after the Jarvis character in Iron Man. NeedWant bought the company for $15,000 and will rebrand it as Second, as in my number two or second in demand.

LockerDome, which just raised $10 million from a group of investors that includes Cultivation Capital and former Anheuser-Busch President Dave Peacock, will add jobs at its two offices in St. Louis and New York City. St. Louis will continue to be its center of operations.

Venture Cafe St. Louis Executive Director Travis Sheridan wrote in a blog post that St. Louis startups need even more buy-in from the community in the form of customers.

St. Louis startup PenPath has pivoted its business model to include social analytics for all professionals and not just writers. The company is now pitching to ITEN's Mock Angel program.

Meanwhile, Space Sculpt, Barrel Fish, Xooker and Eateria have all graduated from the ITEN Mock Angel program.

Officials at Startup Connect, held in late November, said more than 1,300 people attended this year's event, a record for the annual entrepreneurial gathering.

Here's an interesting story about a 28-year-old man who got laid off from his bookstore job, but is now a junior coding developer at REI BlackBook thanks to LaunchCode.

Sigma-Aldrich is now licensing technology from MIT and Harvard to advance gene editing tools for numerous research applications, including the generation of plant and animal models.

Tech, Venture Capital, Startups, Real Estate


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