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Our Mission: Protecting America’s Great Outdoors and Powering Our Future

The U.S. Department of the Interior protects America’s natural resources and heritage, honors our cultures and tribal communities, and supplies the energy to power our future.


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This Week at Interior December 5, 2014

FRI, DECEMBER 5, 2014, 04:44 PM EST

The White House Tribal Nations Conference; $13.4 billion in energy revenue disbursements; the National Christmas Tree is lit; more. Watch Video >

Secretary Sally Jewell

Media Advisory: Secretary Jewell to Discuss Value of Public Lands at Western Governors’ Association Annual Meeting

THU, DECEMBER 4, 2014, 02:26 PM EST

On Saturday, December 6, U.S. Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell will deliver keynote remarks at the Western Governors’ Association winter meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada. Read More >

Deputy Secretary Michael Connor

DOI News: Making Strides to Restore Native American Homelands

THU, DECEMBER 4, 2014, 01:05 PM EST

As President Obama hosted the Tribal Nations Conference this week, the Administration capped a year of continued progress in strengthening the government-to-government relationship with Indian Country and working with tribal leaders. Read More >

WH tribal Naitons

Secretary Jewell Stresses Self-Governance, Empowerment as Foundation for Successful, Culturally Vibrant Tribal Nations

WED, DECEMBER 3, 2014, 11:11 AM EST

Sally Jewell delivered remarks at the sixth White House Tribal Nation’s Conference, where she emphasized the Obama Administration's commitment to Indian Country, including self-determination and self-governance initiatives that are helping tribal nations Read More >

Secretary Sally Jewell

Interior Disburses $13.4 Billion in FY14 Energy Revenues to Benefit Federal, State, Local and Tribal Governments

TUE, DECEMBER 2, 2014, 01:35 PM EST

Sally Jewell today announced that the Department of the Interior disbursed more than $13.4 billion in revenue generated by energy production on Federal and American Indian lands and offshore areas in Fiscal Year 2014 Read More >