Diego Bernal, a civil rights attorney elected to the District 1 City Council seat in 2011, will leave the office on Tuesday to run in a yet-to-be-called special election for the Texas House of Representatives.

“I’m stepping down,” Bernal told the San Antonio Express-News, “because there’s going to be a vacancy in House District 123.”

Bernal, a Democrat, has his sights set on replacing Rep. Mike Villarreal, D-San Antonio, whose 123rd district overlaps with Bernal’s council district.

Villarreal has sent a letter to Gov. Rick Perry saying he intends to complete his current term, which ends Jan. 13, but does not intend to serve in the 2015 term, to which he was elected on Nov. 4.

Villarreal has already begun campaigning for mayor of San Antonio.

Bernal will become the fourth council member in the 2013-15 council term to leave office.

Mayor Ivy Taylor and Councilman Ray Lopez, both of whom were elected a term before Bernal, said they’ll miss their colleague and his drive to make San Antonio a better place.

“I just think he’s brought some great sensibilities to the council based on his background and desire to seek justice,” Taylor said.

Lopez said Bernal “is an incredible leader in our community. More than anything, his leadership in downtown initiatives is going to be missed.”


Bernal’s eventual replacement likely won’t have much time to get settled. The entire council is up for election in May 2015.

Lopez joked that the council has the appointment process down pat now. It’s selected replacements for Elisa Chan, Carlton Soules, Julian Castro and Taylor, who vacated her District 2 seat to serve the remainder of Castro’s mayoral term.

Castro was appointed U.S. Housing secretary by President Barack Obama.

“It is frustrating to continue to have to fill seats, though I understand there is a variety of reasons why people choose to leave,” Taylor said. “We need to think about structure we have in place, how to make it more attractive for people to stay.”

That could mean an adjustment to council terms and pay. Unlike county commissioners, council members aren’t paid a salary, but are compensated $20 per meeting, not to exceed $1,040 each year.

Bernal said this term has been unlike most.

“I do believe that this year is unique,” he said. “I don’t believe that’s normally the way things play out.”

Bernal leaves a significant legacy in his nearly two full terms on council.

He spearheaded city policy that cracked down on payday lenders and was the driving force behind the city’s bolstered nondiscrimination ordinance, which now offers protection to people based on their sexual orientation and gender identity.

The nondiscrimination ordinance was easily the most controversial issue the council faced.

He also said he’s proud of the transparency in his office, his open-door policy and communications with District 1 constituents.

Bernal also was a staunch advocate for the inner city.

“I’m proud that we demonstrated that you can start to bring attention to areas that had not seen it in decades,” he said.

But for every mended street, every new sidewalk, there are miles more left unattended.

“If you take your job seriously,” he said, “you’re haunted by what you haven’t gotten to.”
