Jonathan Cohn
Senior Editor

America's Medical Bill Didn't Spike Last Year
More good news, although it's hard to know how long it will last
December 03, 2014

We still have a spending problem, but right now it's not getting worse.

GOP Staffer Shouldn't Have Scolded Sasha and Malia on Facebook. But She Shouldn't Resign.
December 01, 2014

She wrote something terrible. Then she retracted it and apologized. Maybe that's enough?

What We Still Don’t Know About Ferguson—and Probably Never Will
December 01, 2014

The testimony is out, everybody has read it, and the real story of what happened to Michael Brown remains unclear.

CHART: What the Ferguson Witnesses Said They Saw
November 27, 2014

Twenty-nine statements. And quite a few different versions of reality.

Where the Ferguson Process Went Wrong, and What It Might Have Gotten Right
November 25, 2014

The evidence is ambiguous, a conviction would have been nearly impossible to obtain. But there's a reason people in Ferguson distrust the legal process.

Darren Wilson Walks: No Indictment for Michael Brown’s Killer
November 24, 2014

Ferguson Grand Jury reaches its decision, and declines to indict the police officer in the killing of Michael Brown

Here's What SNL's Immigration Skit Got Right—and Wrong
November 24, 2014

Obama went around Congress. But presidents have been doing that for a long time.

The Government Overstated Obamacare Enrollment by 400,000 People. That's Inexcusable.
November 20, 2014

Critics say it was dishonesty. I'm betting incompetenece. No, that's not much better.

Obama's Immigration Order Will Be Legal. But Will the Public Like It?
November 20, 2014

Polls suggest voters are skeptical of executive action, but they're tired gridlock—and like the substance of what Obama is likely to do
