And someone falls into an inside’s insides.


And Goya pushes her curly, black hair behind her ear, and she places her ear ear ear to the gray, plywood door, and Goya listens to David talk talk talk to Lela, and the conversation includes that he wants to watch a movie that is mindless, and it includes that he could do anything as long as he did not have to feel anything or think anything, and Goya feels bad; what he is saying makes her feel guilty for all the things she has not done, and she thinks what he is saying is so beautiful that she does not want to listen to him talk anymore, and she stares at her curly, black, pubic hair.


And Lela becomes immersed in what she is reading, and the girl Lela is reading about becomes immersed in what she is reading, and then what Lela is reading throws her out of the immersion by becoming overly self-referential. She puts the book down. She puts herself at ease.


And David is aimless. He searches for whatever comes his way. Normal things become unfamiliar. He gets tired. He gets something else.