Groundwater Advisory Determination Forms

The Form GW-1 is the application form used for requesting a Groundwater Protection Determination letter from the Groundwater Advisory Unit.

This form is an interactive PDF form that can be opened with Adobe® Reader® or Adobe® Acrobat®. The RRC is currently using Adobe® Acrobat®, Version 9. Different versions of these applications allow the user to perform various functions:

  • Adobe® Reader®, Version 9 or later, is the preferred version which allows the form to be completed and printed or saved with the input data.
  • Versions of Adobe® Reader® earlier than Version 7 are not recommended as they do not allow the form to be saved with the input data.
  • Adobe® Acrobat®, Version 6 as well as earlier versions allow the form to be saved with the input data. However, the saved data may not always transmit correctly when opened by the Groundwater Advisory Unit staff (e.g., county name).

The completed form can be emailed as an attachment to the RRC Groundwater Advisory Unit at It can also be printed and sent by regular U.S. mail or by an overnight express service.

There are Instructions available to assist you in completing the Form GW-1.

Form 20468 (Expedited Surface Casing Recommendation/Payment Submission Form): This form must be used if you are paying for an expedited Groundwater Protection Determination letter by check or money order. See the expedite process for complete instructions.

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Contact us if you have questions. 

Last Updated: 4/2/2014 2:27:33 PM