Expedite a Groundwater Protection Determination Letter

Effective December 16, 2013, the Surcharge listed in SWR 78 will apply to the Groundwater Advisory Unit (GAU)  Expedite Fee.  The basic Expedite Fee is $75; the 150 percent surcharge is $112.50, for a total of $187.50 for the GAU Expedite Fee with Surcharge.

How to request and pay for an expedited Groundwater Protection Determination Letter.

An expedited Groundwater Protection Determination letter is intended be processed within four (4) business days from the date an application is determined to be complete by the RRC Groundwater Advisory Unit. To request expedited processing, submit the following documents:

Expedited processing is not available for saltwater disposal or seismic letters.


Credit Card/Electronic Funds Transfer:

Link to Payment Page
Check/Money Order:

Be sure to attach the Form 20468 (Expedited Surface Casing Recommendation / Payment Submission Form) to your check or money order.
Contact us if you have questions. 

Last Updated: 5/21/2014 3:37:42 PM