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Sean Hannity said this about John Boehner's response to the non-indictment of the cop who killed Eric Garner.

Via Media Matters:

Anyway, So John Boehner, um, is now second-guessing the jury verdict in the, the grand jury verdict in the Eric Garner case. He says he might want to hold congressional hearings over the issue. Is this the same John Boehner who that showed zero enthusiasm about the Benghazi hearings is that the same guy?
First of all, Sean, your claim that he "showed zero enthusiasm" is factually incorrect. This was his response to the sixth investigation that concluded no wrongdoing on the part of the Obama administration in the Benghazi attacks. From the Washington Times:
Saying there are still “far too many questions” unanswered, House Speaker John A. Boehner reappointed Rep. Trey Gowdy Monday to lead his chamber’s inquiry into the Benghazi terrorist attacks just a few days after a House committee cleared the CIA of most wrongdoing, in a move that signaled the GOP is not satisfied with those conclusions.

“Two years later, the American people still have far too many questions about what happened that night — and why,” Mr. Boehner said in a statement, saying the Gowdy investigation will be the “definitive report” on the attack that left four Americans dead.

And this, also from the Washington Times, is from when he announced the very committee that recahed these conclusions:
House Speaker John A. Boehner laid out details of his proposed Benghazi investigative committee Tuesday night, calling for a 7-5 split between Republicans and Democrats — drawing a stern response from Democrats who said that is unfair and taints the investigation from the start.

Mr. Boehner said the committee won’t have a set deadline for finishing its investigation, but will go until it has the answers to questions about the run-up to the 2012 terrorist attack in Libya, the administration’s handling of the attack, and the White House’s effort to shape public perception of the attack afterward.

“It is unfortunate that it has to come to this, but when four Americans are killed by terrorists in a well-coordinated assault, the American people will not tolerate the evasion we have seen from the White House,” the speaker said.

By the way, if you haven't seen Jon Stewart's powerful commentary on the non-indictment, you should. The link to it is below; I don't know what's happening with the video embedding process.

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