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TEXAS FAITH: When is a city ban on feeding the poor an infringement on religious liberty?

When is a city ban on feeding the homeless in a public place an infringement on religious freedom?

In Florida, a 90-year-old WWII veteran was arrested for feeding the homeless at a public park. He’s been doing it for over 20 years through a program called Love Thy Neighbor. But a new ordinance in Fort Lauderdale has put a mountain of obstacles in the way, making it virtually impossible for the group to operate as it has.

(Joe Raedle/Getty Images)
Feeding the homeless in Fort Lauderdale

On one side are local businesses that fear feeding the homeless in a conspicuous place was bad for business and tourism. On the other side are advocates of Love Thy Neighbor who say the group is within its constitutional rights. The city tried to balance the interests of both sides with rules aimed at moving such homeless programs into houses of worship or private property. But the organization wants to continue feeding the homeless as it has, in a seaside public park.

The clash between religious rights and the public interest is a common story line. We’ve weighed in on the dustup in Houston in which the city tried to subpoena the sermons of evangelical ministers opposed to a gay-rights ordinance. And every week, it seems, there’s a new report in which the advocates of religious liberty decry a rule or action at a public school.

Religious liberty isn’t absolute. There’s no right to hold a serpent-handling service at Disneyland. Or to shout “fire” in a crowded church because your religion told you to. Or to build a megachurch in a city neighborhood with a parking lot for only 10 cars.

In the case of feeding the homeless in Fort Lauderdale, the name of the organization is from a biblical injunction. Its mission is an act of faith. And if some businesses are inconvenienced or tourists would prefer not having to see the homeless by the beach, whose rights should prevail?

That’s this week’s question: Is a city ban on feeding the homeless in a public place an infringement on religious freedom? Our Texas Faith panel weighs in:


DARRELL BOCK, Executive Director of Cultural Engagement, Howard G. Hendricks Center for Christian Leadership and Cultural Engagement, Senior Research Professor of New Testament Studies Dallas Theological Seminary 

More than being any infringement on religious liberty, it is an infringement on our human right to care for one another and help those who need help. To restrict acts of compassion because they “look bad” is a strange sense of non-logic when it comes to being humane. It reflects a sometimes American tendency to deny that such conditions exist for some people in the USA (out of sight, out of mind).

To have a place where people know they can come and get aid in a public assembly location is not a bad thing at all. Although I understand a city’s concern, one would think that a city having a reputation of caring about its citizens would be a higher priority and that such a city would make efforts to support something that also would drive down the cost to the city to care for people in need of shelter. Why not compromise and give a designated place in the park for such activity and point to it with a sense of pride that the people of our city care about others in need and has done so for years?


FATHER TIMOTHY HEINES, Pastor, St. Joseph Catholic Church, Richardson

According to St. Thomas Aquinas, by its nature, law is directed to the common good and exists in accord with higher law (eternal law and divine law) and human reason.   Even specific laws, laws pertaining to a particular segment of the population must in some way contribute to the common good and also to the forming of public virtue.

In my mind, this city ban is mean-spirited and narrow.  If disruptions were being caused to peace, wouldn’t there be gentler means to redress those issues than a specific law banning the feeding of the poor?  Wouldn’t current statutes on loitering, for example, more than suffice to mitigate the inconvenience that lies at the basic of this statute?

In our tradition, we also understand that the promulgation of laws is to have a salutary effect on the common good by forming virtue and by encoding the values of a particular community.  In the case of this law, I can only think that this law is meant to be particularly punitive and dismissive of the poor.   If I were to judge the nature of the community by the nature of this city ban, I would probably not think highly of Fort Lauderdale.   For me, this law is bad on the face of it, whether or not it infringes on religious freedom.   It is one more sign of modern humanity’s disdain for the poor.


DANIEL KANTER, Senior Minister, First Unitarian Church of Dallas 

A quick Google search provides some ‘food’ for thought.  It seems like this is less a religious liberty issue and more a city ordinance issue.  The city is actually trying to solve the problem by requiring the groups feeding people to provide portable toilets if restrooms aren’t available, to not hold a feeding within 500 feet of a residential neighborhood, and to ensure the food is properly heated and sanitary.

Cities have to make sure they have plans to address homelessness but they also need ways to protect the homeless from food borne illness.  They also have to make sure the city runs well for everyone.  If this was a religious liberty issue it would go directly to whether one can practice a mandate of their religion publically.  My religion hopes I serve the homeless and work for justice but it doesn’t require it.  Other religions mandate hours for prayer and food restrictions all of which can impact the public square but rarely do.

Can a man who feels the command to feed the homeless understand his religious liberty to be at risk? I guess he can but it seems reasonable to work with the municipality to make sustainable change.  My religion’s directive is to find ways to ‘teach them to fish’ rather than only ‘giving them fish.’  In this case liberty is less at risk as is making a real difference in the lives of the homeless in Fort Lauderdale.


JIM DENISON: President, Denison Forum on Truth and Culture

Clearly, a third option is needed.

City officials want to move homeless programs into houses of worship or private property to avoid offending beach-going tourists and inconveniencing businesses.  But what if neighbors of the church or private property object?  How many objectors constitute valid opposition – a hundred?  One?  And why should everyone be able to enjoy the beach except those who are hungry and homeless?

Now the other side: despite objections from businesses and tourists, should an organization be able to feed the homeless on a beach so long as it claims religious motives?  If tourism and business suffer, will the city no longer have revenues to maintain the beach?  Will everyone lose?

City officials don’t need the wisdom of Solomon – a beach is not a baby.  The feeding program has been working for 23 years; they can find a way to make it work again.

We need similar answers here.

According to The Dallas Morning News, the number of chronically homeless in Dallas rose nearly 40 percent last year, while the number of homeless veterans rose from 550 to more than 700.  Confucius noted: “In a country well governed, poverty is something to be ashamed of.  In a country badly governed, wealth is something to be ashamed of.”  Which are we?

We want to avoid what Marvin Olasky calls “the tragedy of American compassion,” hurting people by helping them without changing the conditions that hurt them.  At the same time, we must care about those we intend to help.  Mother Teresa was right, as usual: “We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked and homeless.  The poverty of being unwanted, unloved and uncared for is the greatest poverty.”

Jesus came “to proclaim good news to the poor” (Luke 4:18).  Will we join him?


FR. JOSHUA WHITFIELD: Parochial Vicar & Director of Faith Formation and Education, St. Rita Catholic Church

“Any law that degrades human personality is unjust.” These words, written just over fifty years ago from a Birmingham jail, remain true today. I recall these words of Dr. King in light of the story out of Fort Lauderdale of Arnold Abbott, arrested now multiple times for conspicuously feeding homeless people in a local park in violation of city ordinance. Of course, measures similar to this one are nothing new. Organizations such as the National Coalition for the Homeless have kept track of laws like these going back decades.

A characteristic of modern development is we don’t like to see the underside, the losers, victims, nor the prophets in our economy. Visit downtown Southlake some day and take note of what you don’t see—poor people and churches. This is how we build our beautiful cities today.

So can a man feeding homeless people out in the open be told to stop because of business interests and tourism? Since Abbot is acting upon his faith, does this law infringe upon his religious freedom? For the Catholic Church, religious liberty is a sacred right but not an unlimited one. There are “due limits” to religious freedom which civil authorities may apply with prudence. However, the “moral legitimacy” of any authority presupposes such things as “respect for the human person.” Likewise, so the Church believes, when civil authorities fail to respect this or any other principle of justice, Christians must “remind” them of the inalienable rights of human beings—rights which naturally are prior to any civil authority.

And this brings us back to the words of Dr. King. Does this ordinance in Fort Lauderdale degrade our fellow human beings? Although we bailed out huge banks with little to blush about, it seems feeding the homeless where people can see it is just too much for society to tolerate. That this ordinance and others like it are plainly inhumane seems clear—at least to the morally developed. Whether or not this infringes upon Mr. Abbott’s religious freedom is, frankly, a secondary matter—although this too seems clear. When Dr. King wrote his letter from jail, he didn’t talk at all about his rights. Rather, he talked about justice, the moral law, and about the goodness of going to jail again and again (like Mr. Abbott), all because, as he said, “right defeated is stronger than evil triumphant.”

As people of faith, we must not succumb to what the philosopher Alasdair MacIntyre called the “mock rationality” of contemporary public debate. Instead we should simply do what Mr. Abbott is doing. We should obey deeper laws, even if it means going to jail repeatedly. Constitutional questions are for lawyers. For the rest of us, our job is to love—no matter the consequences.

But this brings me to a more painful and embarrassing question far more disconcerting than whether or not Mr. Abbott’s rights have been violated. And that is why aren’t there more people like Arnold Abbott going to jail? This is the more serious and damning question. Dr. King asked this question too—himself wondering why the jails weren’t more full. He said, “We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the vitriolic words and actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence of the good people.” This seems the more sobering reflection for people of faith. Let’s not let legal questions get in the way of love. Rather, let’s let love get in the way of legal questions.


HOWARD S. COHEN, Lecturer in Jewish/Christian Relations and member of Congregation Shearith Israel and Congregation Beth Torah, Dallas 

As has been said in the above, no freedom is absolute. Many individual freedoms are “infringed” upon by the constraints of the social contract under which we live. It sounds like alternative locations were offered that did not seem unreasonable. Could it be that they were not accepted because of ego and territoriality? Were some offended because they couldn’t continue to help in places where they always had? Was it really their devotion to feeding the homeless that caused them to scream foul?

I don’t think this is the same issues that have been raised before regarding ministers’ sermons and the expression of religion in public schools. The former involves the question of tax exempt status of churches as apolitical institutions, and the latter involves the intimidation of the minority believers or disbelievers and the imposition of the majority’s belief.

It seems to me that some reasonable accommodation could be worked out between the opposing sides on the location of feeding the homeless without hindering this worthwhile cause. If you listen closely, you might hear heels digging in at the expense of the homeless.


AMY MARTIN, writer/editor Moonlady Media and president emeritus, Earth Rhythms

Fort Lauderdale’s ban on feeding the homeless in a public place isn’t an infringement on religious rights. It’s an infringement on compassion, a quality that makes us humans rather than just chatty mammals in clothes. Love Thy Neighbor takes its cue from Christianity, but the group has now been joined by representatives from other area religions. For to Jesus, as well as Mohamed, Buddha, Lao Tze and other religious founders, requiring the poor to follow difficult demands in order to receive love would be against their faith.

However, I’d like to ask: Where are my rights before the courts? I have no religious affiliation for which to claim special dispensation. I belong to the 20% of “nones.” That’s one out of five people. Think about that next time you walk down a city street. One out of five has no recourse at all in using our humane and spiritual values to influence policy via the courts.

If the spiritual-not- religious spectrum — which ranges from agnostic to deist to mystic — could appeal legally, many would say something like this:

Our country was founded on inalienable human rights. Not tourist rights, not business rights, not even municipal rights. Human rights.

Stop thinking so small. Look at centuries prior, when brutality was common and ruling civilized kings would line their boulevards with beheaded captives of plunder wars. Then look well past the horizon and see the future discoveries in quantum physics that make time irrelevant and the creative endeavors that soar the human spirit beyond its potential. Holding fast to such a perspective — that we are able to overcome our past and go on to imagine the impossible — then feeding the hungry without a ruckus should be easy.


MIKE GHOUSE: President, Foundation for Pluralism and speaker on interfaith matters, Dallas

The city ban on feeding the homeless in public places is motivated by business politics rather than needs of the community.

The mayor of Fort Lauderdale is assuming that the homeless are not a part of the community, and have no say in the community affairs as they do not contribute towards the revenue of the city. He is also influenced by a few uncompassionate members of the business community as the presence of homeless people around their shops is ‘apparently’ hurting their business.

Since when have we started valuing individuals based on their contribution to the revenues of a city? That attitude renders nearly 15% of poor Americans valueless. Since when have we quit valuing our elderly with Alzheimer’s or kids with severe handicaps, or the homeless veterans?

Whether homelessness is a choice or not, they are a part of our communities and we have a responsibility for their safety and well being. Public safety is a prime responsibility of the elected we choose for governance.

The ordinance banning men and women from serving the homeless, out of their religious conviction amounts to infringement on their religious freedom and the ban needs to be challenged. The city cannot establish or ban a religion from doing public good. I believe the Becket funding takes up these cases. I sure will do my share of passing the information to them.

There is a way out. The city ought to withdraw the ordinance and consider forging or facilitating partnerships between the business community and those who want to serve the homeless, and serve them healthy food as a requirement for public safety.

Shame on us, we give away $48 billion dollars a year in military assistance to other nations for killing each other, and we cannot spend 1/100th of that on our homeless?

Those of us who are callous, ought to re-look in to the idea of human development, by investing in pulling people from ditches on to a level playing field, we would be enlarging our consumer base, boosting business all around. Pope Francis is indeed setting examples after examples – the latest news is he is building showers for the homeless in the square.

Caliph Omar was known for justice, and he forgave a thief against the norms of the society at that time. Instead, he took the responsibility and declared that the society ought to be ashamed, that a man was humiliated to stealing food for his sick child. We have to take care of our fellow beings no matter who they are. As a society we have to figure out a better system to take care of the hungry.


LARRY BETHUNE: Senior Pastor, University Baptist Church, Austin

“Send them away” the disciples beg Jesus in the gospel when faced with 5,000 hungry people.  And the desire to make the hungry poor disappear has not left the well fed.  They trouble our conscience, call for our resources, show us how stingy we are.

In Florida the politicians and the businesses that own them and the citizens who comply with their wishes have shown their hardhearted character by chasing a program feeding the hungry among them, whom they prefer to remain invisible.  They deserve the negative attention their actions have received.  But the hungry poor are citizens, too, as are the people trying to help.  And Ft. Lauderdale is not the only place in our nation that discourages programs feeding the hungry.

On the other hand, it is the role of government to set appropriate boundaries for the use of public spaces to make them safe and useful for all citizens.  The control and restriction of activities in a city park is the responsibility of elected officials, and citizens of all kinds – compassionate or hardhearted – should obey the law.

When a law is unjust, prophetic communities may choose civil disobedience to demonstrate the injustice.  But they must expect to suffer the consequences as part of that demonstration.

Better for everyone would be a creative cooperation among businesses, politicians, citizens, and ministry leaders to provide a place and give support to a program feeding the hungry among them.  But this would require compassion, generosity, and the will of these parties to seek the common good.  And that would be a city worth visiting.

“Send them away,” the disciples beg Jesus when faced with the hungry poor.  And Jesus replies: “You feed them.”


NITYANANDA CHANDRA DAS; Minister of ISKCON (International Society for Krishna Consciousness

Every body needs a head. So similarly, every society needs saintly intellectuals for guidance. Leadership without such guidance is like a body without a head. Leadership is like the arms of the social body which provides protection and business class is like the belly which facilitates the distribution of goods. All parts of the body are important but the head is the most important for it is the head of body that provides intelligence.

Intelligence means the ability to accommodate and manage two opposing values. It also means the ability to discriminate that which is śreyas, of long term substantial benefit, and preyas, immediate or short term gratification. The short term benefit of commerce is important but it is considered shallow in comparison to charity which can have long lasting or even eternal benefits.

Krishna states that charity, when done properly, even purifies great souls. To completely ban charitable distribution of food in relation to the value of commerce is sign of the lack of saintly intelligent guidance among our leaders.


JOE CLIFFORD, Head of Staff and Senior Minister, First Presbyterian Church of Dallas

Contemporary homelessness presents a significant challenge for our society.  Responding to this challenge by passing ordinances that criminalize the presence of homeless people, or in this case the faithful people feeding them,  is like telling a person with lung cancer they must stop coughing. It blames the victim and those attempting to help them for a systemic problem.

If government focused more on providing care for people with mental illness, treating drug addiction instead of criminalizing it, providing permanent supportive housing, and supporting young adults coming out of the foster care system, we wouldn’t need as many feeding programs for the homeless because we’d be treating the problem and not fighting the symptoms.  Banning ministries that feed hungry people is not only an infringement on religious liberty, it’s a totally ineffective way of addressing a very real problem in our society.

The more we ignore the root causes of contemporary homelessness, the longer we’ll face the challenges this systemic problem presents.



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