Opinion Blog

Coggins, Dershowitz, Ken Starr and Innocence Project counsel all rally to Rick Perry’s defense

I am just plain floored at the spectrum of lawyers who’ve signed on to a brief asking the judge in Gov. Rick Perry’s felony case to dismiss the charges.

Anytime you get Jeff Blackburn from the Innocence Project of Texas going to bat for this governor, something’s rotten in the court system. Add Paul Coggins and Alan Dershowitz as two others who’d normally be unlikely to ride to Perry’s defense.

The list goes on. This hasn’t been reported in our newspaper, so I may be filling a void here for some readers. You may want to know about this. Astounding.


“Reasonable people can disagree on the political tactics employed by Governor Perry and his opponents. But to turn political disagreement into criminal prosecution is disturbing. To do so with an indictment riddled with constitutional infirmities is worse.”

And this:

“If Governor Perry is forced to endure a criminal trial, then the damage has already been done–even if he is ultimately acquitted. The mere knowledge that an indictment can be maintained would itself chill a vast spectrum of constitutionally protected political speech by other political officials.”

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