Statement by Texas Railroad Commissioner David Porter on Denton Hydraulic Fracturing Ban Vote


AUSTIN – The following statement can be attributed to Texas Railroad Commissioner David Porter on the passage of the City of Denton’s Hydraulic Fracturing Ban.  

"As the senior energy regulator in Texas, I am disappointed that Denton voters fell prey to scare tactics and mischaracterizations of the truth in passing the hydraulic fracturing ban. 

Texas is a global energy leader and has the best job climate in the country because of our fair, even-handed regulatory environment. Bans based on misinformation — instead of science and fact — potentially threaten this energy renaissance and as a result, the well-being of all Texans.

This issue will continue to be hotly contested. I am confident that reason and science will triumph, and the ban will be overturned."


David Porter was elected statewide to the Texas Railroad Commission on November 2, 2010. A Certified Public Accountant and successful small business owner, Commissioner Porter has worked with oil and gas producers for nearly three decades providing strategic financial advice and tax counsel. He has a long record of pro-business, free market, conservative credentials.