Railroad Commissioner Christi Craddick Attends Aspen Institute’s Modern Shale Gas and Oil Production Forum


ASPEN — Railroad Commissioner Christi Craddick contributed to a series of panel discussions on issues surrounding energy and the environment at the Aspen Institute’s Modern Shale Gas and Oil Production Forum in Aspen, Colo. this week. The meetings included representatives from industry, regulators, academics and other experts who participated in discussions which covered a broad range of topics related to the unconventional production of hydrocarbons.

“It is most productive for all parties in a room to have direct conversations about these important issues that we must get right,” Craddick said. “It is clear that we need to continue to work in a concerted effort to accomplish the major tasks at hand, so that this viable industry is not only sustained, but continues to flourish.”

As new technologies within the energy industry have allowed shale energy development to spread across the United States in recent years, the forum aims to bring clarity and predictability to how state regulators and industry operators manage environmental risks or other potential impacts.

“As we watch the immense growth in energy production numbers month to month, it is astounding to see the full picture of our nation’s domestic energy capacity. Reflecting upon how we have gotten to this point in just a short time, we can be encouraged by the future possibilities this new sustained growth presents. I look forward to continued work with state and federal regulators in raising the bar for consistent policies that aid the growth of this industry and protect our natural resources,” Craddick said.                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ###

Christi Craddick was elected statewide by the people of Texas in November 2012 to serve a six-year term as Texas Railroad Commissioner.  A native of Midland, Christi is an attorney specializing in oil and gas, water, tax issues, electric deregulation and environmental policy.