Kevin Grangier gets a feel for KT’s Restaurant & Bar

Dec 5, 2014, 11:53am EST

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Tim Harris

Kevin Grangier, owner of Village Anchor, has taken over KT's Restaurant & Bar.

Reporter- Louisville Business First
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The croissants are staying.

(Cue sigh of relief from KT's Restaurant & Bar regulars.)

The popular baked good, along with KT's queso, are for sure staying on the menu, said Kevin Grangier, who recently took over the restaurant. He said he also might keep some of the salads and soups.

When Business First broke the news that Grangier, who owns Village Anchor in Anchorage, was leasing KT's and its assets, Grangier said his immediate plan was to get a feel for the restaurant. So don't be surprised to see his face regularly around KT's.

With a few weeks under his belt, Grangier said he has identified its greatest asset: "It has a very strong and dedicated customer base."

Now, he wants to figure out how to improve that customer base.

"I am trying to assess what the restaurant is missing," Grangier said. "I am trying to understand who is not coming and why they aren't coming."

Grangier leased the property from former KT's owners John Hagan, Byron Nugent, Kyle Farnsworth and William A. Musselman. Last month, the four partners transferred the deed on the KT's property, at 2300 Lexington Road, to Jefferson Development Group, a company owned by real estate developer Kevin Cogan. Jefferson Development Group paid $1.6 million, according to records at the Jefferson County Clerk's Office.

In the last couple of weeks, Cogan also has purchased four other properties surrounding the KT's plot for about $2.66 million. His KDC Grinstead I LLC company has owned a sixth property in that triangle, 2501 Grinstead Drive, since 2013. He paid $377,000 for that site, according to the Jefferson County property records.

Caitlin Bowling covers these beats: Restaurants, retail, human resources, and women & minority affairs.


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