Opinion Editorials

Editorial: Panetti and the insanity of executing the seriously mentally ill

File/The Associated Press
The Texas death chamber at The Walls Unit in Huntsville.

The state of Texas appears to be operating absent a moral and legal compass in its determination to execute Scott Panetti, a seriously mentally ill inmate, on Wednesday.

Texas Court of Criminal Appeals Judge Tom Price has properly called into question the very rationale for the execution, in a pointed dissenting opinion in the case last week. Breaking from the 6-3 court majority, which denied a stay of execution, Price said that ending Panetti’s life would serve neither of two purposes commonly cited by capital punishment proponents — deterrence and retribution.

It was stunning to read such a frank critique of the case from a veteran member of the state’s highest criminal court. It was even more stunning when this sitting judge, in the same breath, declared the death penalty indefensible as a punishment in a modern society. Price wrote that capital punishment is subject to too much human error and is out of step with “evolving societal values.”

Even unswayed death penalty supporters should have problems with carrying out the Panetti execution. He shot his parents-in-law to death with a hunting rifle in front of his estranged wife and daughter in Fredericksburg in 1992. At the time, he had a 14-year documented history of mental problems, including schizophrenia and involuntary commitments to mental facilities. Panetti’s breaks with reality were never in question, yet he was somehow allowed to represent himself in a death penalty trial that ranged from the bizarre to the pathetically absurd.

Today, one legal question is whether Panetti is sane enough to execute. The state argues yes, within broad parameters set out by the Supreme Court on executing the severely mentally ill. The court has said the defendant must have a “rational understanding” of why the punishment is being applied, but there is frustratingly little more direction than that.

Price is clear with his take on the matter. There is no difference, he said, between constitutional protections against executing intellectually disabled defendants and the severely mentally ill. In neither case, we would agree, is a social good achieved. Such an execution serves only a mindless sense of revenge.

In a separate case last week — in the made-for-Hollywood matter of East Texas killer Bernhardt Tiede II — the Court of Criminal Appeals acknowledged that mental state should have a bearing on punishment. Tiede is the person for whom the 2011 Richard Linklater movie Bernie is named, a real-life Carthage funeral director who befriended and then murdered a rich widow, Marjorie Nugent.

The appeals court agreed that Tiede would not have received a life sentence had jurors known he suffered sexual abuse as a child, a claim that surfaced only recently. That childhood trauma, the court said, explains Tiede’s break from reality when he shot Nugent in the back four times in 1996.

Today, Tiede walks free and may never return to prison. And Panetti, whose documented delusions span decades, may have only two more days to live.




‘Inconceivable to me’

Excerpts from Texas Court of Criminal Appeals Judge Tom Price’s dissent last week from the court majority that denied a stay in Scott Panetti’s execution:

“It is inconceivable to me how the execution of a severely mentally ill person such as applicant would measurably advance the retribution and deterrence purposes purportedly served by the death penalty.”

“I am convinced that, because the criminal justice system is run by humans, it is naturally subject to human error. There is no rational basis to believe that this same type of human error will not infect capital murder trials.”

“Evolving societal values indicate that the death penalty should be abolished in its entirety. Since Texas enacted life without parole as a punishment for capital murder, Texas district attorneys have significantly decreased their requests for the death penalty, and juries today often prefer that punishment to the death penalty.”

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