Lyft for Work aims to give North Texas businesses an employee perk

Dec 5, 2014, 5:26am CST

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Jake Dean

Lyft drivers, Skyler Fike, Jennifer Clark and Denise Russell joined Lyft president John Zimmer to launch the ride share service in Dallas last year. The company has now launched a new service for businesses.

Staff Writer- Dallas Business Journal
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Lyft has launched a new program aiming to give corporations another perk for their employees.

Lyft for Work allows corporations to buy into the ridesharing service to provide rides for its employees. The program, which the San Francisco-based company launched in California, went live in Dallas last month.

The new service allows companies to issue employees a monthly credit balance that can be applied to specific locations, i.e. work, home or specific events. Companies can also customize the credits to fit certain times do things such as provide rides for employees who stay late. The service also allows companies to create Lyft Line exclusive credits, which allows employees to share their commute with others headed in the same direction. It also gives employers the ability to apply credits to job candidates who need a ride to their interview.

Twenty-eight companies across the U.S. piloted the program, including Adobe, Postmates and Thumbtack. The company could not confirm whether any North Texas corporations have signed on to use the service yet.

Lyft provides peer-to-peer ridesharing via its mobile application, which connects passengers to Lyft drivers. It entered North Texas in September last year.

Danielle covers technology, retail, restaurants and hospitality for the Dallas Business Journal. Subscribe to our new TechFlash email newsletter.


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