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NPR tries damage control

In a post ,Water Contamination Concerns Linger For Shale Gas
by TOM GJELTEN at the NPR website, NPR tries some damage control.

Good try.

After “Morning Perdition” so pitifully dropped the journalistic ball on this one, this was a nice attempt at CYA.

Too little, too late. Steve Inskeep and friends owe us a huge explanation and apology.

Imagine this:

  • Newspaper headlines today: “NPR is a bunch of terrorists with radical ties to Al Qaeda!”
  • Blurb on third page next day after getting swamped with negative comments, “NPR is maybe not a bunch of terrorists with radical ties to Al Qaeda!”

Of course that’s a ridiculous, twisted, unimaginable scenario. It would be ludicrous for anyone to imagine that. As ludicrous as what they’ve done by shilling for a dangerously not-ready-for-prime-time energy scheme.

Thanks, guys.

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