EPA study

EPA Hydrofracking Study

At the request of congress, EPA is conducting a study of hydrofracking to learn more about its impacts on drinking water resources. The study's homepage is here.

In December 2012 EPA released a progress report

On Dec 20, 2013 EPA published links to scientific papers and technical roundtable meeting materials that will contribute tho their draft report of potential impacts of fracking on drinking water sources.

Scientific papers are available here, with future papers posted as they become available.

Technical roundtable materials here, including:

Study Update: Potential impacts of hydraulic fracturing on drinking water resources 

Overview of EPA's hydraulic fracturing drinking water assessment report

In 2013 the EPA hosted four technical workshops. You'll find information about each workshop here as well as case studies and other stuff.

On January 28, 2014 EPA hosted a one-hour public webinar to share what was discussed at the Technical Roundtable. You can see the presentation here.

The EPA draft report is expected December 2014.

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