Jon Queally, staff writer
In cities and communities across the United States on Thursday night people came out into the street in solidarity protests galvanized by a grand jury decision not to indict the police officers involved in the choking death of Eric Garner in New York City and the larger issue of racial...
Andrea Germanos, staff writer
The European Union reached a provisional deal on Thursday that would allow...
Sarah Lazare, staff writer
Hundreds of Clevelanders gathered at city hall to demand justice for the slayings of Tanisha Anderson and Tamir Rice, while a crew of poets took over city hall inside. (Photo: Daniel Goering)
Last month, amid mounting nationwide outrage at deadly law enforcement violence...


In a dismal week, a rare, under-reported fragment of hope: Thursday's strikes by low-wage workers spread to almost 200 cities, jumped industrial divides - fast food to home care to airports - and merged issues of race and class, with many of the largely black and brown crowds, in the wake of Mike Brown and Eric Garner, demanding not just a living wage, but justice. See them spread, a mighty stream of righteousness, across the country.